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Dear Helcat:

Good to read the good news regarding your dog’s blood test results. “He doesn’t need anymore tests unless he seems unwell“- if he hates tests and going to the doctor (and dentist) as much as I do, that’s good news for him!

And good to read of Day 3 of no arguments!

He just wanted me to be calm, so he could enjoy spending time with his family… Having a wife with PTSD is hard. Sometimes he wishes that I was normal. I definitely wish that I was normal. It just hurts that he blamed me“- I am sorry that he blamed you for what you had no control over. Your childhood trauma was not your fault, never has been your fault, and neither is the PTSD that resulted from the (complex) trauma.

The pregnancy and childbirth (major surgery) were extra difficult for you, being that you suffer from PTSD and from  fibromyalgia: no wonder you were not calm in the hospital and needed your husband there, with you, at all times during those critical times. To be blamed for what is not at all your choice hurts.

web md. com/ fibromyalgia and pregnancy: “Women with fibromyalgia had more symptoms of pain during pregnancy than women who did not have fibromyalgia. Also, fibromyalgia symptoms seemed to be exacerbated during pregnancy. Pregnant women with fibromyalgia may experience significant pain, fatigue, and psychological stress, especially in the first three months… Pregnant or not, stress — both physical and emotional — is known to trigger fibromyalgia. Considering all that’s involved with pregnancy, labor, and delivery, it’s obvious that pregnancy is a time of high stress… At this time, no fibromyalgia medications are completely safe to use during pregnancy. In fact, doctors recommend that women with fibromyalgia go off of painkillers and antidepressants before they become pregnant”.

The article includes tips on managing fibromyalgia during pregnancy, and from having read your posts in various threads, you did all that is recommended in the article.

Having a new baby while breastfeeding requires constant care… Initially, he needed to be fed every 2-4 hours… It is providing 24/7 care after a major surgery and significant blood loss for the following 3 months. And with the  fibromyalgia, holding him hurts. It was like torture… Thankfully, things are a lot easier now… Mostly, everything is babyproofed. But I have to make sure that he doesn’t chew on any power cables“-

C o N g R a T u L a T i O n S ❤️ for surviving a very, very difficult pregnancy, major surgery, and parenting of an infant while suffering from PTSD and fibromyalgia!

C o N g R a T u L a T i O n S 🙏 for doing your best to manage your painful, challenging symptoms!

C o N g R a T u L a T i O n S ❤️🙏 ❤️ for being a good mother to your son throughout!

I don’t know how you feel about not having children. You don’t need to share if you don’t want to. I know that these things are complicated and it can be painful for people“- I never wanted to bring children into the world because I perceived it to be a hostile world. I figured that if I was ever in the position, I would adopt a child who was already here, and who didn’t have a home. Also, I thought that if I went through a pregnancy, I would feel claustrophobic in my own body, scared of childbirth and wanting to get it over with way before 9 whole months.
