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  • #431681

    Hi Tee!

    Thank you for your kindness. Definitely! I find it especially hard when my mood drops. It’s really easy to slip into a negativity biased mindset. And I’ve had difficulty doing gratitude journals then, usually giving myself the day off. But I’m trying to do it during difficult days too.

    Yesterday ended up surprising me and being a more difficult day for example, because of pain and anxiety. Today is a more difficult day too because of pain.

    Truer words haven’t been spoken. Well done on not blaming your body! This is something that I struggled with for a long time. It is not an easy feat. The truth was that my body has been through a lot at a fairly young age and it breaking down was inevitable because I didn’t look after it properly.

    If you have any insights you would like to share about the mind and the body connection and things that you find helpful please feel free to share them. If desired. Of course, it’s fine if you don’t want to. ❤️

    Wishing you all the best! 🙏❤️


    Dear Seaturtle:

    I didn’t yet read your new thread and am looking forward to it!

    I wrote to you: “particularly after reading N’s recent talk, I think that he is deceptive, deceiving himself and those who listen to him.”, and you replied to this quote with: “I agree with this.” This is important for my understanding, that you agree with this point.

    I wrote to you: “– caring for and listening to a deceptive man… makes the lid over the 3rd eye very heavy, heavier and heavier the longer you listen to him“,  and your response: “It truly, truly does… I agree, a waste of energy“! Okay, so we are on the same page.

    I want to use my life to be in a path to enlightenment… in seeking teachers I found two. But I would also like to have conversation with people about these things… trying to un-identify with my false selves. I also want to learn what blocks my chakras and how to unleash Shakti. Perhaps this is exactly what I should post“- connecting this to the deception topic, you are talking about continuing to un-identify with deception, removing it from your 3rd eye and from blocking/ interfering with any of your chakras. I want to continue to do the same in my life.

    In your reply to my first post this morning, you wrote: “He said cleaning as if ‘clearing’ the air….  to get everything off his chest that I had done to not show gratitude, such as leaving my stuff out, a dish in the sink or not talking with him enough when he got home from work… all the things I was ‘unaware’ of… ‘… why can’t you be more thoughtful of me. I have done all of this for you… (does she have any awareness? Does she care about be at all?…”-

    – this is what N has been harping on/ using to make you feel bad, with his past “you have no clue what love is” accusatory message, and with his most recent, “I just can’t get over how much of a selfish ass**** you are”. He’s been continuing your father’s abusive work: guilt tripping you, and re-sending you the same (false) accusatory messages.



    Dear Anita,

    ” (1) by using the word cleaning, do you mean that F referred to any sign of you (your words) such as your backpack, your shoes being .. dirt? If not, what did you mean by cleaning?”

    He called the conversations “house cleanings.” He said cleaning as if “clearing” the air. Or, clearing his perceived air… He used those times to get everything off his chest that I had done to not show gratitude, such as leaving my stuff out, a dish in the sink or not talking with him enough when he got home from work. At one point it also bled in to how I treated his girlfriend, I made a comment about age that I don’t remember and apparently it hurt her feelings and she told him, he told me I was unaware at those house cleanings, unaware of what might hurt his girlfriends feelings even, all the things I was “unaware” of.

    2) “we have to talk, there have just been too many things piling up. I just don’t understand why you do these things, why can’t you be more thoughtful of me. I have done all of this for you and you don’t even acknowledge it. You could acknowledge it by having a meal ready for me if you had free time, or at the very very least have your things cleared. Infact I think you should start to cook around here since you have so much freetime to sit around and watch your shows. That shouldn’t be too much of a sacrifice for you. (does she have any awareness? does she care about be at all? why doesn’t she understand how to be grateful, she must not even see what I am doing for her. But oh she’s crying, maybe she does have some emotional awareness, she sees that I am hurt and seems to understand and not want me to. maybe things will change). Let’s come up with a plan.”

    – his plans involved inspiring me to cook for him or clean, but the plan would always start to dwindle away, I think cause it wasn’t my true self, once the inspiration he temporarily gave me to care for him in this manicured way I would stop, then a month later would be the next house-cleaning. They were just about every 3 months.



    Hi Everyone!

    Something I have been struggling with during pregnancy and post birth is body positivity.

    I’ve been overweight in the past, but rarely received comments about it. Just the occasional enquiry about whether I was pregnant or not.

    During the pregnancy, a lot of people made comments about my size. And I struggled to accept my body at the largest it had ever been.

    Because I’m breastfeeding and have injured my leg, I’m having a hard time losing weight.

    In the past, I coped with childhood abuse, by taking solace in that I didn’t look like my biological mother. But with my post baby body, I look more like her. That thought is painful.

    I figure that I need to work on body positivity and gratitude.

    Anyone is free to join in if they would like to.

    Wishing everyone all the best! ❤️🙏


    Hi Anita,

    My sincere gratitude to you for taking the time to go over my responses again and responding.

    Sorry for responding lately, I’ve been feeling a little under the weather. I will read this and reply tomorrow – but I cannot deny what you’re saying!


    Hey SereneWolf,

    My grandfather preciously. My grandfather was like in village head group. So he seen lot of people in lot of situations. He did helped lot of people though. But after a while he be like “people are there for their means” when they forget.
    And the thing is it impacted me somehow but not on a deeper level. I still believe I should help people if I can and don’t expect anything from them in return. Even gratitude. I’m doing it just because I can and I want to. Even though I been around colleagues who thought that uplifting others means they would stay in lower class

    I am glad your grandfather’s belief (that people are self-centered and don’t genuinely care about others) hasn’t affected you too much. And that you still choose to help others, rather than only look for your own self-interest. You are a kind and generous person, SereneWolf, even if you were exposed to this kind of messaging…

    As soon as I got in college and more like nearly adult-teenage era I started seeing competition. And it was so bad like I felt all at once and started studying something just because it was considered “In Demand” But I had no interest and on top of that I felt competition from the classmates like they knew what they’re doing and also topping the class. And for the first time ever I had less marks in 2 subjects in my 1st semester. And failed in math in 2nd semester,

    Okay, so you were top of the class in your elementary and high school. But when you chose a college which you had no interest in (you chose it only because it was “in demand”, promising good career opportunities and a good salary, I suspect), your grades started getting worse, and you even failed in math. Basically, when you forced yourself to do something you don’t love, you immediately did worse.

    I think it goes to show that it is very important for you to do what you love and what is aligned with your values – because that’s where you can really thrive. I guess when you later chose another college, it was something you liked better and which is more aligned with you interests and preferences? And it has now lead you to a job which you really like (how it is going btw? have you finished with onboarding?)


    Yes it was may be conditional even though all I thought parents love is always unconditional towards their children but I guess there always some expectations.

    Maybe your parents told you they love you and that they do everything in your best interest (my mother certainly told me that), but it doesn’t mean it was like that in practice. If I got a B (instead of an A), my mother was displeased with me and would condemn me for not studying hard enough. Having all A’s was taken for granted (I was never praised for being an excellent pupil), but even the slightest “slip” was heavily criticized. So her love wasn’t unconditional. I didn’t feel loved in those moments, I felt rejected.

    I guess you’ve experienced something similar with your father: if you were top in class, he was pleased with you and would buy you presents. If you were not the first, but still excellent, he was displeased with you, right? I guess this taught you that you have to always be the best, otherwise your father won’t be proud of you. His love and validation were very conditional. Basically sending you a message “I will only love you and approve of you if you are perfect. Anything short of that is not good enough.”

    But It did impacted my emotional patterns like for giving or even accepting love.

    Perhaps it taught you that you need to be perfect to be loved?

    Something just occurred to me: your father expected that you be perfect in terms of academic achievements and career success. Whereas your mother expected you to control your emotions perfectly. To always put on a happy face and never show that something is bothering you.

    So they both expected perfection from you, only in different areas. You couldn’t be totally yourself with neither of them, and I think that’s why you have trust issues in relationships.

    You said:

    Kind of yes I guess like trying to perfecting the relationship and my partner too.

    You believe you need to work hard on yourself, because you are not good enough as you are. That’s your father’s conditioning: You need to be perfect (excelling in many things) to be loved and valued.

    And then you also want to perfect your partner too. Your inner critic is critical not only of yourself, but of your partner too. We’ve already talked about it before. With your previous girlfriend, you got into a dynamic of trying to perfect her. The focus was on her and her flaws. And I think it prevented you from showing her your “imperfect” self, your vulnerable, less than perfect, and yet totally lovable self.

    (The reason why you were afraid to show vulnerability could be because of your mother’s expectation to never show your emotionally distressed, raw, “immature” self.)

    You are asking:

    hurt how many more times until find the right person? Seems scary

    Hm… it’s not really about finding the right person. Because you admitted that there was nothing really wrong with your most recent girlfriend, and yet you didn’t want the relationship. You backed off because for you, it’s scary, intimate relationships are scary…

    And I think it’s because you believe you need to be perfect, both in terms of career/money earning ability (your father’s conditioning), and emotional “maturity” and strength (your mother’s conditioning).

    And that IS scary!

    If you believe that intimate relationship requires total perfection, of course it is intimidating. And hard work. And impossible to achieve.

    But what if it only took for you to show up as you are? And let her show up as she is? Nothing more than that… no hard work, no pressure, no urge to perfect yourself (or her)…. Just letting yourself be, with all your good and bad sides? Because you are good enough…

    What do you think? About adopting a new blueprint/new vision for an intimate relationship?



    Hola Tee,

    Did you feel some competition with him? Did your father compare you to him? Because I was thinking that perhaps one of the reasons you didn’t have many friends is that your father stressed competition, he was always comparing you to other kids, and perhaps that’s why you didn’t like them or you felt resentment towards them?

    Well Since Primary school to High School I was a top student. So not really competition there and as soon as I got in college and more like nearly adult-teenage era I started seeing competition. And it was so bad like I felt all at once and started studying something just because it was considered “In Demand” But I had no interest and on top of that I felt competition from the classmates like they knew what they’re doing and also topping the class. And for the first time ever I had less marks in 2 subjects in my 1<sup>st</sup> semester. And failed in math in 2<sup>nd</sup> semester, And Even though I knew that I didn’t gave it my all it felt so bad.. Yet still I continued for 4 semester and then decided to leave the collage and directly start working. Because even though my father and grandfather didn’t told me on the face I did knew they were disappointed because they felt like we are paying your for your living and college in the city and you’re not giving us the “results”. And the thing is that I would be able to ask my father like I don’t like this degree and I want to do another degree that I like but I didn’t wanted to be burden at all. So I started working and living on my own. First they said no you won’t be able to do it but after a month or so they agreed with me because I told them little later. There has been many times I had to lie to my family just for example when I didn’t had a job I didn’t said anything to my family for months. And even helped them financially even though it put me in debt.


    Right, because the love you’ve experienced from your father was very conditional. He only showed you love when you were the best in class – everything else was not good enough. Whenever you made a mistake (like when handing him the wrong tool), he didn’t show you love. So… his love was very conditional.

    I’d say your mom’s love was limited, same as my father’s, because they didn’t protect us. They gaslighted us and minimized the problem. That too wasn’t a strong, unquestionable love, the kind of love you can really trust.

    Because if I understood well, your mom showed you love and tenderness when you could forgive your father and be “mature” about it, but she was sad and worried when you couldn’t, right? In a way, she was sending you the message that you are only acceptable if you forgive and endure your father’s abuse… (I am not claiming this, please correct me if I am wrong).


    Yes it was may be conditional even though all I thought parents love is always unconditional towards their children but I guess there always some expectations. But It did impacted my emotional patterns like for giving or even accepting love.
    Yeah about my mom that maybe right and it kinda have adverse effect too. With pros and cons. I don’t get angry and react harshly at the moment also turned out to be very forgiving nature, but as a cons I don’t raise my voice when I should, which is really important thing in career you know

    I guess I did hear things like that in my teenage like “people are just there for their means”

    Did your parents use to say that?

    My grandfather preciously. My grandfather was like in village head group. So he seen lot of people in lot of situations. He did helped lot of people though. But after a while he be like “people are there for their means” when they forget.
    And the thing is it impacted me somehow but not on a deeper level. I still believe I should help people if I can and don’t expect anything from them in return. Even gratitude. I’m doing it just because I can and I want to. Even though I been around colleagues who thought that uplifting others means they would stay in lower class


    If we get attached, and the person leaves us or betrays us, it hurts more.

    Yeah I guess the one of my fear too, and like hurt how many more times until find the right person? Seems scary

    For example, if we felt conditionally loved, we may believe that our partner will only love us if we earn enough money. Or they will only love us if we are perfect, if we never show any weakness.

    Hmm that’s right but don’t you think it should be something like in levels? Eg. Like I can’t expect my partner to focus on their fitness if I myself is lazy. And I know normally money shouldn’t be the scale but from the current generation it is somewhat seen respectable. Because it shows hmm this guys knows his financial and he can provide. It’s kinda natural instinct for them.


    Does loving hard mean to work hard on the relationship? To have a relationship which feels like a project?

    Maybe loving hard also means that you need to work hard to be lovable? That you need to be successful, so she would love you (she can always find a rich husband but a for a guy, he got to be something good)?


    Kind of yes I guess like trying to perfecting the relationship and my partner too. Like I would force her to sleep on time because less sleep would affect her mood next day. I always tried to surprise her, write for her and make her happy and noted even little things that would make cause her pain. And even accepted lot of things that I wouldn’t usually accept. Like no video calling for a very long time and just text. So yeah I was kind of perfectionist towards her. But another thing is I didn’t do it to impress her. But I felt I wanted to do it because I cared for her a lot.



    Dear Anita,

    Hope this message finds you well! Very sorry for my long absence. Thanks for checking out on me. I think I am in a better headspace now to talk about this.

    About values, I did an exercise a few weeks ago where I needed to categorize all the values I found relevant into four sections and then take one value from the each section. The values I came down to are- Success, Personal Development, Well-Being and Growth. But I feel this is not the complete thing and I need to do more work to develop better perspectives.

    Regarding goals, I tried to think on this topic in one of the entries of my gratitude journal. Here is what I could come up in terms of concrete goals- 1)researching in my areas of interest as an academician, 2)contributing to my field through my work, 3) developing a solid knowledge base, 4)personal and spiritual growth, 5)engaging with literature through publications and reading books 6)spending time with and being around my friends and loved ones. How to develop a greater sense of purpose and develop a better approach towards the core component of my life?


    Also, I would like to ask you about mindfulness. How can one apply it for anxiety and intrusive thoughts as well as for overall wellbeing?


    Thank you


    Dear Tommy

    Thank you for understanding the situation in an apt manner. That’s why I don’t want to let these thoughts consume myself, and even though I am trying to release the what if thoughts, it’s happening easily. I meditate every day and maintain a gratitude journal, which help me to a great extent. What mindfulness techniques do you think can be useful when I begin to spiral in my intrusive thoughts.



    In reply to: Weighed down…


    Dear Natalia

    What a brave and compassionate person you are giving your father a place to live in your home.

    Does your father still drink alcohol?  I gave up alcohol nearly 15 years ago and now that I am in charge of the household we no longer have it in the house apart for the odd occasion when people I am entertaining bring it. Along side abstinence, good nutrition  is important to help the body heal. Chronic alcoholics are typically deficient in vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B6, vitamin B9 (folate), and vitamin A[3]. Even in small amounts, drinking alcohol raises stomach acidity levels and reduces the ability to absorb nutrients through the stomach mucosa and small intestine.  Coconut Oil may also be helpful my dad has 35mls melted into his breakfast each day ( it took about 3 days to kick in).

    I wish you all the best



    What if any health issues does your dad have?

    Buddhist texts encourage us to have gratitude for all that our parents have done for us, this is something that many in these modern times struggle with. So general teachings on interdependence and gratitude may be more helpful.



    Dear Seaturtle:

    I wrote to you: “it is sad that in your efforts to help him, you’d be  allowing him to destroy you.”, and your response:  “yes true. a tragic Shakespearean love story, where she debates to be or not to be“-

    – You said it. So the question is to be you or to be only a small part of you, because the price to pay for a life with N is that a huge part of you will be caged, not allowed to be.

    Put in another way, the price for a life with N is blocked chakras. From mind valley. com: “Your chakras can be blocked by life challenges. It can manifest as something physical (like a never-ending migraine) or even emotional (like self-doubt). Here are a few more blocked chakra symptoms that are telltale signs you need to open your chakras: * Difficulty sleeping * Difficulty concentrating * Chronic depression or anxiety * Mood swings * Trouble communicating * Difficulty connecting with others * Feeling ‘stuck’”-

    – How many of these symptoms did you experience while living with N?

    The source continues to list the seven chakras and the symptoms of blockage for each chakra. Here are a few symptoms of a blocked chakras that (I think) you experienced with N: “Feeling you are not good enough the way you are” (a blocked Root chakra), “The distrust that you can be loved for being you” (a blocked Sacral chakra), Giving your power away to others as you feel this is necessary to keep peace in relationships (a blocked Solar plexus chakra),  “Fear of commitment and feeling like you have to please others to be loved” ( a blocked Heart chakra), “Frustration because you don’t feel that other people hear what you have to say” (a blocked Throat chakra), “Disconnect from your intuition” (“Telling the difference between gut and fear“!), a blocked Third eye chakra.

    In regard to a blocked Crown chakra, I can imagine you experiencing these symptoms if you resume the relationship with N long term: “* Loneliness, insignificance, and aimlessness *A strong attachment to material possessions and achievements (and define yourself according to them) and a disconnect from the spiritual side of life *A lack of connection or guidance from a higher power * Feeling unworthy of spiritual help and angry that your higher power has abandoned you“.

    Back to your yesterday’s post, I wrote to you about N: “What he heard (in his low vibrational/ closed crown chakra state), was that you accused him of something or that you said something he didn’t like, so his response: to deflect”, to redirect you”, and you asked: “is this the Teflon?“. My answer: yes. Like Teflon rejecting oil, N rejects anything you say that doesn’t feel good to him.. before he lets it in for consideration.

    In regard to the shark/ sea turtle imagery, you asked: “Why do we miss things that harmed us? just because of familiarity?“-  I’ll answer with an example from my life: I’ve known this woman in real life who is routinely critical and rude to me and to others (that’s her MO). Thing is, I like her very much and for the longest time, I tried to please her, to get her to like me back. Why? Because when I was very young, I tried to make another critical and rude (to me) person to like me back: my mother. The woman sort of reminded me of my mother back at a time when I very much loved my mother and tried to get her to love me back.

    It is an interesting concept that he didn’t ‘know-know,’ I am curious how someone can operate on such an unconscious level? It rings true that he doesn’t think deeply about things that he doesn’t find necessary, but why is this?“- The Teflon mind rejects X (something you say) before it considers it. If something you say feels unpleasant to N, he automatically rejects it. If you try to talk to him about it, to explain, he will reject it all just as he rejected it initially. It’s a cognitive short cut of sorts. I don’t know how it came about that this is his (or anyone’s) MO. I’ll think about it.

    He said with words that he wanted to grow but he didn’t with actions and I don’t think he sees the value in it, but why? So this is a huge value I have for a future partner: curious about life and a want to grow in wisdom and understand meaning in human life“- It is easy to say words.. maybe the why (above and here) is that it’s way easier to reject things before consideration (the Teflon Mind) and it is way easier and simpler, in the short term, to not consider the meaning in human life, etc.

    I am feeling clearer now than I did last night and this morning“- good, that was Fri morning. How are you this Saturday?

    I think this is a particularly vulnerable time for me being sick and having to worry financially, when N would have my back if I was sick. He was kind and would tell me not to worry about the money right now and just to get better“- N caused or promoted your sickness when you were living with him (blocking your chakras, see above online source), so see this part I just mentioned in the bigger picture of him being kind to you when you were sick

    (F) would lend me money if I asked but it would come with strings, and I would feel obligated to act in a certain way towards him again so that he felt gratitude for it. He has lofty expectations for gratitude, ways that I have to behave around him that can involve hatch in her cage“- better not say or do anything if the price is to place or keep hatch in a cage.. including resuming a relationship with N.

    I have not seen a doctor because I have had this sickness before and have been self medicating, but I have been taking care of myself best as I can. Drinking fluids, eating protein, showering, painting. Today I think I will attempt some yoga floor work at home that does not hurt my knee“- how is your knee today, and did you do yoga? Yoga’s chest and shoulder opening poses are excellent for opening the heart chakra: I do one such every morning.




    “I wish you had in-person/ irl emotional support right now so that N does not seem to be your only option for irl comfort, and so that you don’t make a decision to contact him out of desperation.”

    Yes me too. I think this is a particularly vulnerable time for me being sick and having to worry financially, when N would have my back if I was sick. He was kind and would tell me not to worry about the money right now and just to get better. Later I would probably regret having needed him, which is how I would also feel if I asked my dad.

    “- You are having a difficult time, Seaturtle, in multiple ways. Can you ask your father for financial help, since he has plenty of money?….And are you taking care of yourself physically/ did you see a doctor on zoom or whatnot?”

    He would lend me money if I asked but it would come with strings, and I would feel obligated to act in a certain way towards him again so that he felt gratitude for it. He has lofty expectations for gratitude, ways that I have to behave around him that can involve hatch in her cage…

    I have not seen a doctor because I have had this sickness before and have been self medicating, but I have been taking care of myself best as I can. Drinking fluids, eating protein, showering, painting. Today I think I will attempt some yoga floor work at home that does not hurt my knee.



    Dear Saje,

    Thank you for reaching out about your concern, and I hope I’m not too late to the ”party” haha,

    Reading your post, I was overflowing with emotions. Most of it was empathy because I felt that many can share with you the same journey; that of healing your sense of self and re-claiming the love that you wished you had for yourself in a world that can be very cruel and unforgiving. In that sense, and such as this space here, we are all just looking for that ray of light that will keep us going and listening to our voices.

    I tried to be a little poetic there to alleviate the heaviness of your post; a theme that I relate to as well. I think the best kind of advice that you could use right now, and from my own experience with self-love, is that you can give yourself everything that you need and want; it might sound weird at first, even a little naive, a little pretentious but at this point, I say take the risk to feel a little silly to feel good about yourself. It sounds like you are putting so much pressure on yourself so try to find ease in your life right now, only then do you get closer to your voice that will tell you what it is you really want and need right now. Try to also find some joy without holding yourself to a standard. Gratitude could be a game changer in this context. Finally, I left this because it is often the hardest thing to do for most, try to get familiar with the perspective of celebrating yourself. A little research on that perspective could do so much for you right now.

    Before finishing this reply, I want to leave you with the words that a very competent person told me once: “Instead of thinking ‘I’m the only person to fall back’ on, think ‘I’m the best person to fall back on’ ”

    I hope that you were able to feel better about this concern. We are cheering for you and belated happy birthday!



    I hope someone can give advice on this or take from it what you will. If anything, I want someone to learn from my mistakes and make their lives better. Please be kind though.

    It took me 45 years to find her and one selfish, stupid, angry moment to lose her.

    I am 51 (M). I fully broke up with my girlfriend 50 (F) of 6 years, which happened nearly three months ago. I haven’t seen her in over four/five months now. She has “moved on” by all accounts and said “it’s over” in her last messages to me. I was, and still am, totally devastated. My behaviour towards her, while sometimes kind and loving, was generally appalling over the course of the relationship. I never lied or cheated on her, never took anything from her, I never went out with my friends and got drunk, etc. but I could be argumentative, selfish, cold, ignorant and could bolt off back to my own house at the slightest provocation, which caused us to often be ‘on/off.’ Recently I have come to realise that I have issues, but I will come to this later.

    The breakup was largely due to me ignoring her while she was going through a very tough time when her uncle passed away, which was obviously upsetting, plus the many other factors such as starting her new job, etc. On the day it happened I was helping her, and her family clear the uncle’s house and we got into a minor argument during the latter part of the weekend, which resulted in me storming off (I know, very childish and stupid), and then continued via messaging and ran over the course of the next few weeks. Then it escalated into something that I lost control over, and I ended up ignoring her while she was going through all this. She sent me messages pleading with me, and I ignored her. I knew in the back of my mind that I would live to regret my actions, but I was just on a completely different planet as if something had taken over me and I’d lost my senses, I’d lost all those memories we had together, I’d lost my sense of perspective, I’d lost my connection with her, and I was so angry. By the time I came to my senses and my conscience caught up with me, which was a long time afterwards (the ‘oh my God, what the hell have I done!!’ moment) I was horrified and disgusted with myself. The ignorance, stupidity, and selfishness I had displayed was shocking and at a time that she really needed me. I was a total asshole to her, not just the last time we saw each other, but there had been many other times previously, but this was the worst thing I had done to anyone in my life. She was the best thing that ever happened to me. She was my future and the love of my life. I was so dammed lucky to have met her and now it’s all lost due to me acting like a belligerent idiot. I am truly ashamed of myself. I took her for granted and viewed everything she offered me with suspicion and judgement, when I should have shown love, gratitude, and appreciation. At the age of 51 you would have thought I would know better, however, I guess age is no guarantee of doing the right things at the right times. I believe that I am also very immature when it comes to relationships. The hurt, pain, and sense of abandonment she must have felt by my actions would have been excruciating. I cannot express how very sorry and remorseful I am to her and her family.

    When it dawned on me as to how badly I had acted, I firstly went into total shock, then I have gradually sank into a deep depression, something which I have suffered with before, but this is far, far deeper. I have lost a lot of body weight, lost my appetite, throw up some mornings, I cry a lot, lost interest in any hobbies, in working out at the gym, lost interest in my job, lost interest in everything. Basically, I have been living like a zombie for the past 2-3 months. My weekends are totally empty and void from any fun. I have tried to hang out with friends, but socialising seems impossible. A huge dark cloud has appeared where my heart was. I constantly blame and berate myself for the breakup – I could have been a hero, instead I am a zero. My actions and behaviour, and previous behaviours, were totally unnecessary. Looking back, I do not even recognise myself or what I was doing during that time. I had no cause to put myself in this position, but it’s of my own doing and I am trying to change and absorb the pain. And there’s a lot of pain, guilt, suffering and self-hatred, but I cannot change the past or what I did. I am in a living hell.

    She had everything to offer me. She was beautiful, athletic, she was charming, intelligent, a wonderful family, she had a dog I adored, had a beautiful home, which she wanted me to move into but like a fool I didn’t act, even though I spent so much time there, She offered a bright future together and even had a place in Portugal where we spent many holidays. She was excellent in every single way. Her smile was to die for; I could not wish for more! And I lost it all – her, the life, all of it! She did have her faults and baggage (don’t we all) so I don’t wish to put her on a pedestal, but I loved her all the same. However, I have come to realise (all too late) that I have commitment and trust issues, and I can be self-destructive, which goes way back in my past and to possibly other previous relationships. I will be exploring more of this with the therapist. I also didn’t show her as much love as I should have and make her feel special. I was often cold with my emotions, again, because I have issues that I need to resolve. I do not expect to be over this anytime soon. I expect it to take a year at least and I don’t expect to be the same person I was when (and if) I do eventually overcome this. In part, that would seem like a good thing as there are certain personality traits I need to address. I didn’t think I had a problem; however, it’s become clear to me during this most horrible episode of my life that I do.

    During our last messages I tried to reconcile with her, but deep down I knew it was hopeless. She pretty much tore me to pieces and rightly so. She said there was no chance whatsoever of reconciliation and that we both needed “move on.” I had broken any sense of trust and showed that I had no empathy in my soul during that insane period of time when I had ignored her. Her last words to me were “Now let me live my life.” In that moment I threw up, I went into a daze, I cried, my whole world just shattered into a million pieces. My heart was, and still is, completely broken and my very ‘being’ crushed, but what did I expect. I am utterly disgusted and ashamed of myself, my family are ashamed of me, my friends don’t know what to say. I am seeing a therapist (still early days) and I am on medication for anxiety, depression, racing heart and sleeplessness. I have had many suicidal thoughts, but these seem to have faded in the past few weeks. Since the realisation hit me, I have woken every morning to face the horror of my reality – she’s not in my life anymore! I go through my day (every day) in a sad dream like state. I cannot focus for very long on anything. She is always there, and the memories are always hunting me. I am trying to get back to the gym (something I used to do almost every day), but that is also met with apathy, and I must force myself to go on the days when I feel well enough to. I hope my mental and physical health doesn’t deteriorate any further as I’ve got pretty bad. I am still in shock after all these months about what I did and why.

    If there’s anything anyone can take from this then it would be…

    • You should always try and look at every situation with calm clarity and perspective. It’s not easy sometimes, but you must. Look at the bigger picture and don’t just act on pure and raw emotion or think of the short term, as I did.
    • Think what’s at stake; what will life be like without this special person and what would you think if they found a new lover and you found out about it? I can tell you that it hurts. It really, really hurts. It’s a mind killer.
    • Be careful where you get your advice from on such matters – family don’t always have the best answers and can say anything from their perspectives and it’s not always the best advice.
    • If you think you’re following unhealthy behaviour patterns or traits, then go and see a therapist. It’s a small price to pay if you value your relationship, and to lose your partner because you didn’t is a sin. I wish I’d have done this years ago when I started to have troubles and I can guarantee I would not be in this situation now if I had.
    • Do not take anyone for granted. Always remember that if you do take someone for granted that you risk so much and could lose them. Savour every moment and always give your best.

    They say that pride come before a fall – this is so true. Well, I wasn’t humble enough to rescue my own relationship, didn’t show empathy and didn’t value my partner’s feelings, her points of view, took her for granted and left things too late. It has pretty much cost me the love of my life and my future with her – it has cost me everything! I still love and I miss her dearly, and I always will, but she is never coming back and I will never see her again. What a fool I have been. I do deserve this pain, even if it won’t bring her back and it serves no purpose, I deserve it. I messed her around for 6 years and dithered and dragged my feet, but she put up with it and gave me more chances than I ever warranted.

    Now I must pick up the pieces from the damage I have caused and try to rebuild what is left of my life, including my shattered mental and physical state. At my age (51) I do not expect to meet anyone soon (if at all) and I am barely functioning as a human being at the moment and time is running out. I also doubt I will meet anyone like her, which fills me with absolute dread. In fact, the thought of dating again makes me feel sick and I won’t be dating for some time. I have lost confidence in my judgements and my own self-worth. I have read about ‘loving yourself’ and all that, but to me you are never fully whole until you have that special person in your arms, sharing experiences and showing mutual love, respect and living life. Fin.


    [quote quote=396499]There are two purposes to life: to live and to love. It’s when we start thinking we have to live up to some imagined competition that we get into trouble. If you are living a lie, you need to own up to it and speak your truth. You need to fully accept your life as it is, your feelings as they are, and commit to living an honest, humble life. You need to be grateful for everything, every day. If you feel your life is pointless or joyless, it is because you are blind to the reality of what you life is and what life is offering you. I think digging into your past can sort of be a waste of time. Here is a letter I read elsewhere, and he much more eloquently and patiently expresses what I just said. Hello my friend, My name is Wind in Vietnam. I would like to gently share some ideas and questions with you. Everything I share is only to invite your curious quiet contemplation within yourself. If you choose to. After share, everything depends on you to choose this or that. Sometimes the door to escape all troubles and suffering is so close my friend, but what blocks each people from walking through it? Because though they may say, They Know. They understand. They can not give up their story that binds them inside to an illusionary self created prison to practice everything. I share.. When was the last time you sat down face to face with yourself and everything in your life before you ran to old habits for an imagined temporary feeling of safety? Do you think that when the Death appears, it will care about all your study, wanting, hoping, needing, anxiety, depression, worry, your dreams… and show compassion and time with you?.. Do you think ‘the time’ is beside you like the friend, waiting with you in all your suffering and wanting? Suddenly the Death appear, do you think you can hold and bring all your PhD, doctorates, dreams, worry, anxiety, tablets, wishes and wants through the door?.. The Death care about your study? You are important with the time and Death? My friend… questions are for you to patiently face and contemplate if you choose to. Why the difficult question has value? Because from the question creates occasion for everything to open. Now you are the man of 42. Can you answer, what is the law that controls each and every Soul that comes to the life? Why at 42 you are still here but many did not even get past one hour of life?.. What law controls? A story.. One day the man plants a fruit tree in the ground.. A special tree he chose. He like so much. He dreamed of the tree becoming so big and beautiful and many fruit. Each day he water, take care.. Always checking every day its height. The leaves.. Everyday he watching, wanting it to grow. He begins impatiently. Inside him he sees the imaginary tree so big. He begin praying to make it grow and everything will be ok. Inside, he begin all sorts of suffering in the wanting. He can not sleep, always checking, worry something wrong.. He think, why not growing? Is it sick? Too slow, too slow…. My friend… In this small example story.. Did you see you? What is the mistake of the man? His mistake is he did not see that the tree must follow the law of tree. That everything takes place according to the Law and on the time, with enough details and conditions, everything appears. Not early or late, but on the time. What is the cause of the suffering? From grasping in imaginary outcomes. In each imaginary outcome from grasping at what is or not and what if… Each person did become like the man running through the desert trying to keep a piece of ice in their hand. The door to escape is to drop all grasping in the wanting. Have you ever tried to catch the space around you in your hand? You will only most certainly tire yourself out. From imagine, everyone did invite the appearance of all kinds of illusionary trouble and sickness. Now you are the man of 42.. You good mind, study.. do everything for your life.. But you did not understand anything about yourself. And the purpose of the life. Means, in the grasping, you mistake with you. What is the nature and root purpose of any job, from a President to a Beggar? Only to earn for ones life. Everything else is only the appearance. And so.. when we lose ourselves to the appearance of the life, we begin to lost ourselves inside. Whether the man is happy with the tree growing or angry with the tree not growing does not change the Law of tree. So what happens inside the effect or grasping and wanting? You lose yourself to your emotions that become like strings controlling a puppet. From your dominating emotions attached to the grasping, you volunteer your Soul into slavery. You lost the time becoming attached to the prison of KEEPING. Keeping false ideas, thoughts, opinions, fears.. That develop into all kinds of different names.. My friend.. Each persons life is like the fruit tree. And the name of the law that controls each tree is the cause and effect law. No one can know what fruit will or will not appear until it appears. Fruits equal effects. Behavior is the most important detail. Behavior with yourself in each moment. As each idea, thought, action becomes the seeds for effects tomorrow or another time. But no matter what.. effects always come right without discrimination. So from your grasping, your wanting of this and that… What will be your effect you invite? Stay in the purpose of your purpose and cut the habit of grasping. And……….. Everything will take place. Relax with your life. The life. How is too relax? Relax means to see everything as it is and accept everything as it is now. You see that like the tree, the life is always moving and changing on the law. That all possibilities appear on the time. You either begin wake up and practice to create space inside by removing all false obstructions, for these possibilities to have the right conditions to grow and develop.. Or… from your grasping in fears, desires of imagine.. of wanting.. you grow weeds that suffocate the space inside. My friend.. No one can imagine that all they need is the courage to NOT KEEP. KEEP, may have many different appearances but the effect is always the same. As, what you keep, keeps you. Now at 42… You must (must means if you choose to) begin wake up and see the limit of all things and the deeper value of the life. Even if I wrap my body around the tree in fear or happiness.. Does not change the Law of tree. I borrow an example from early in my life to describe idea… As my Father died.. when he knew he was going to die at 26.. He said, ‘It’s ok’ Inside Its ok, has the big lesson my friend past the appearance. Means, inside the nature of Its ok, is a complete acceptance of ones life. Its ok mean, we are not against the circumstances of our life. We accept everything that is or is not and peace and balance in any situation that comes or not come. My friend.. from 2 small words you can see the great value if you can quietly inside and put the idea beside your life. Whether the job appears now, or a year.. Its ok my friend. You only stay in good purpose, good behavior with yourself in each moment. You do everything good in prepare and courage and confidence in each step… Then you will see, that everything will take place. Must courage to get of the wheel of habit like the mouse run and run.. But did never go anywhere. The wheel of always a slave to emotions. And begin see everything from another corner. The space of awareness. Awareness burns the dark inner clouds of emotions. The life has many appearances.. but all suffering regardless of the appearances come back to the emotional attachment to grasping in the life. Not one tablet, not one worry, not one moment of lost sleep, not one imagined outcome… can add one second to your life my friend. I have… I am.. I want… are all small prisons for the Soul. All attached to emotions…that run deep like the roots of a tree. Begin to overcome yourself by opening your hands with the life. Begin practice gratitude in each action. as gratitude creates the space for balance in the acceptance of your life. The value only appears in the positive action. All your fears, are the effect from your View. As by the view you use, so it exists exactly. Grasping in the appearance of imagine, dominated by emotions we become like a person searching for keys in a dark room. Where is the light my fiend? The light is your awareness. Awareness needs energy. You have awareness but not the energy because your so busy with your emotions, which are like a thief that continuously robbed you in broad daylight but you did not see. These words can not save you. Do not attach to the words but focus on the content inside. As……Only you can save you or destroy you. So I share.. You must courage to begin drop all grasping. Drop all grasping does not mean we lost purpose. But inside the purpose we see the limit of the life. Of all things. The movement of the life. We see at the same time, that the purpose of the life is to pay and receive equal with our cause and effect. To practice to grow up our Soul and awareness and overcome everything. To release the grasp on illusionary objects and outcomes that become our false idea of real and continue to lead the soul deeper into confusion. My friend.. Now at 42… If you can quietly with ideas. You have the great occasion before you. The life always has 2 faces… That is the law of the physical space we live. When everyone stands in happy, means sad waits. Everyone says, I love, means hate waits. Everything feels so good, means the face of bad waits.. All from emotions attached to a discriminative View. When you have the courage my friend to face to face with YOU. You life. Not an imagined life from, WHAT IF. And begin fresh steps towards putting everything down inside. Letting go of all grasping attached to false thinking and ideas. Put down the inner discriminations and judgements of everything is either good or bad and just see everything as it is.. And practice inside the idea of ITS OK. You can not imagine… the possibilities that will begin to appear inside. They were always there… just like the Sun is always bright.. even when obstructed by dark clouds. Now is the good time for you to begin forget an imaginary past and bring your eyes back into your own eyes to see everything that is right now. To awake in each step. I share from sincere experience. You must choose. You continue to push up your story of difficult to be your illusionary prison of real. Lost in the circle of talking and repeat. Or… you begin focus on clearing and cleaning everything inside and put down your attachments to wanting. Begin the courage to break up everything. Like a fire burns a forest of all dead wood and creates the fresh occasion for the new to appear. Everything wait for you my friend. The life wait for you. Your possibilities wait for you. All you need to practice is to release your strangle hold on all your grasping and wanting and needing and imagined outcomes and come back to yourself in sincere acceptance of NOW. Once there was this Lion. She had a cub. She was starving and the cub too. Each day she was hunting but kept missing. After miss, she just rested quietly under the shade.. wait for tomorrow.. days passed.. she kept missing.. starving.. But, after miss.. always relax in shade. Save energy. On the time, when everything connected.. She caught they prey. Her situation change. Like you my friend.. Do not scare… Must courage to peace in the unknown. peace in the uncertainty. Courage in the not knowing. Drop all grasping. So.. on the time when all the right right conditions and details appear.. You are ready with the energy you need to do everything equal with the occasion. Confident. Balanced. Faith from your positive actions. Its ok. Everything will take place. It is your duty to overcome you. That is the duty of the man to overcome everything. My friend.. These ideas should only be seen like strange rocks on the path of your life. To curious, to see, pick up, understand and practice is always your free choice. As each life, depending each person courage to self perfect = each destination. I wish you good luck. Thank you so much, Wind.[/quote] hello are you still active on this site

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