A course to help you identify and overcome your self-sabotaging beliefs and habits so you can meet your deepest needs and can thrive.
Overwhelmed by all your obligations and responsibilities…
Drained from doing too much and giving too much to other people…
Exhausted from pushing yourself too hard…
Mentally overloaded from an overactive mind that never stops going…
Emotionally unbalanced and unable to cope with life's daily stressors…
Unfulfilled with the life, career, and relationships you've settled for…
Unsure that you're worthy of anything better, or that you have the strength to create it…
…this course can help you untangle the conditioning and programming that led you to your current life so you can make positive changes, from the inside out.
True self-care isn't just a list of practices and habits. It starts with your beliefs about the kind of care you deserve, and then trickles into every area of your life—physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, relational, professional, and financial.
Whether you're looking to feel better, do better, or demand better from life, Tiny Buddha's Breaking Barriers to Self-Care e-course can help you identify the mental blocks that are keeping you stuck, and take proactive steps to get past them.
This 10-module e-course includes both audio recordings and workbooks that you can access at your own pace and revisit as often as you'd like to peel away even deeper layers of internal resistance and make greater progress toward your personal goals.
My name is Lori Deschene, and I'm the founder of Tiny Buddha. I decided to create this course because I recognized that all the self-care ideas in the world can't help us if we're carrying deep internal blocks to prioritizing ourselves and our needs. Or if we're actively harming ourselves through unhealthy habits to cope with our daily stresses or ease the pain of our traumas.
When I was at my lowest, struggling with depression, bulimia, binge drinking, and c-PTSD, my needs weren't even on my radar. And even if I knew what they were, I likely wouldn't have believed they mattered. Because I didn't believe I mattered.
I never even thought about thriving because I was too busy surviving. And numbing myself so I wouldn't have to feel the pain of every experience that taught me to devalue myself.
I was dangerously unhealthy and tired of feeling drained, overwhelmed, burnt-out, and short-fused, like I was constantly about to snap.
You might not be in that dark or low of a place, but perhaps you also have a hard time putting yourself at the top of your to-do list, and maybe you're feeling limited in all areas of your life as a result.
Like you're not your best in your relationships or your work, and that you can't fully enjoy the things you love—if you even find the time to do them—because you're just. So. Depleted.
Whether you're in a pattern of self-neglect and self-sabotage or just having a hard time honoring your needs, Tiny Buddha's Breaking Barriers to Self-Care e-course can help you break your patterns and honor yourself on the deepest level. So you can feel your best, be your best, and start living your best possible life.
"As usual, Tiny Buddha provides excellent help in the self-care e-course. The recommendations and tips help me feel better physically and emotionally, so every day is better and easier." ~Denise Bryant
Click the "Add to Cart" button below to start your journey to deep, nourishing, life-changing self-care, from the inside out.
You will get immediate access all 10 modules and can take all the time you need to complete them—and revisit them as often as you'd like.
Once you click the button, you will be taken to a secure payment and checkout page where it will take just a few minutes to get set up!

Tiny Buddha's Wisdom Has Been Featured In

→ Module 1: How self-care was modeled for you
→ Module 2: How you were cared for growing up
→ Module 3: Beliefs about self-care
→ Module 4: Your self-care history
→ Module 5: Unhealthy habits and beliefs
→ Module 6: Setting internal boundaries
→ Module 7: Setting external boundaries
→ Module 8: Assessing your ongoing self-care needs
→ Module 9: Creating a daily self-care plan
→ Module 10: Making strides toward deeper self-care
You've likely seen lots of other self-care programs out there.
Some of them might focus on boundary-setting and saying no—and you'll find that kind of support here too.
Some of them might offer ideas for self-care practices that you can fit into your busy life—and this program does as well.
But this course is unique in that it takes you through a journey through time…
…starting with childhood, when you developed beliefs about self-care in general and the type of care you specifically deserve…
…extending into adolescence, when you may have discovered practices and hobbies that fueled and restored you (before you became overloaded by the pressures and responsibilities of adulthood)…
…then focusing on the present, exploring any self-soothing yet self-sabotaging habits that limit your ability to take good care of yourself…
…finally building to the person you'd like to be in the future, with a guide to help you identify practices (old and new) that you can fit into your schedule—as well as changes you can make to live the life you want to live.
This course isn't just about what you need to do to take good care of yourself, though that's a big part of it. It's also about discovering why this has been hard for you so you can make lasting changes instead of falling into the same mental traps and behavioral patterns over and over again.
It's a guide to help you create a personalized assessment and action plan based on the unique journey you've traveled thus far and the challenges you've faced as a result.
Many people see self-care as a Band-Aid to help on a bad day. Something you do when you're feeling down, drained, or discouraged.
But self-care isn't just something you do; it's also something you feel—a deep care for yourself. A belief in your own value and a determination to honor it in words and actions.
If you're ready to feel more confident, balanced, energized, and fulfilled and less depressed, stressed, drained, and overwhelmed, this course can help you make all those changes and sustain them going forward.
5 Common Areas of Life Dissatisfaction and How This Course Can Help
1. Career
We spend most of our waking hours as adults working jobs to pay our bills. And for many of us, our work isn't a source of passion, pleasure, or satisfaction. We end up settling for high-stress roles in toxic environments, or boring jobs that don't excite or challenge us.
It might seem like we're stuck or have no other options, but this is the voice of our conditioning. This is a reflection of what we learned we deserve and what's possible for ourselves and our lives. That's not to say finding fulfilling work is easy, just that's impossible if we don't even try. And we only try when believe that something is achievable.
When we overcome our internal barriers to self-care, we're able to recognize when we're not living in alignment with our values. We're also better equipped to have hard, honest conversations—with ourselves and others—so we can start working toward a career that's more lucrative and fulfilling.
If you're already in a fulfilling job but struggle with self-worth and self-care, you might end up sabotaging yourself because you feel bad about yourself. Or you might find it hard to be present and productive because you're depleted from not meeting your core needs. Overcoming your internal blocks could be the key to enjoying the good things in your life instead of feeling like you don't deserve them.
2. Money
Financial security might seem unrelated to self-care, but there's actually a strong connection. If you don't deeply value and care for yourself, you might:
- Sabotage opportunities to increase your earning potential (as I did for years).
- Self-soothe by spending money on junk food, booze, drugs, clothes, or other physical things.
- Make poor financial decisions from a place of burnout-induced brain fog.
- Spend money on things you think you're supposed to want instead of what actually brings you joy.
- Decline opportunities to invest in yourself because you don't believe you're worth it.
- Loan money you can't afford to lose to people who are unlikely to repay it because you struggle with saying no.
- Settle for a life of mounting debt and financial stress because you don't believe you're capable of creating a more financially secure life for yourself.
By recognizing the beliefs that keep you stuck in lack, you free yourself to start making healthier decisions around money and changing your financial situation for the better.
3. Relationships
Our beliefs about our worth and the care we deserve impact our relationships in three significant ways.
First, we attract people based on what we believe we deserve. If we don't treat ourselves with love, kindness, and respect, we're more likely to attract people who treat us the same. People who might treat themselves the same, as well.
Secondly, we are attracted to what we believe we deserve. If we're rooted in self-neglect as opposed to self-care, because this is what we experienced growing up, we'll likely seek out partners who repeat this dynamic because it's familiar—which means in some way, it feels safe.
We accept the care we believe we deserve. When we're rooted in a sense of unworthiness, we often ignore signs that a relationship is unhealthy or even abusive. We allow people to demean us, disrespect us, or control us. We stay with people who betray our trust, belittle our dreams, and keep us walking on eggshells.
We settle for relationships that confirm our beliefs about ourselves. Which means we can only experience better by believing we deserve better, and then acting like it.
4. Physical Health
This is the obvious one. We all know that to be physically healthy, we need to take care of our bodies. We need to get enough rest, eat foods that nourish us, exercise regularly, and avoid (or at least reduce) self-destructive habits.
But we don't often talk about why it's so hard for most of us to do these things. We convince ourselves that we struggle with our weight or drink too much because we're weak or there's something wrong with us. Then, weighed down by our self-judgment and shame, we're more likely to turn to behaviors that hurt us and less likely to do the things that we know are good for us.
The key to improving our physical health isn't just making a list of behaviors we need to change or adopt; it's healing the wounds and overcoming the beliefs that have caused us to neglect or hurt ourselves.
It's recognizing that we deserve to feel strong and healthy, and changing from a place of self-worth and self-love instead of trying to hate or shame ourselves into transformation.
5. Mental Health
Let's face it: Life is stressful for all of us. And for those of us with trauma in our backgrounds, it's even more likely we'll struggle with anxiety, depression, and addictive behaviors that can lead to toxic shame.
Especially now that self-care is such a huge buzzword, most of us know that we need to honor our needs if we hope to cope with the demands of our daily lives without eventually breaking down.
But many of us have no idea what those needs are, or why we keep getting in our way—so we struggle to consistently do the things that would bring some sense of peace and joy to our days.
Self-care is the key to feeling emotionally balanced and mentally stable. It's the little choices that help us get through the day and the big choices that help us do more than just get through life.
And if you struggle with mental illness, it can be the key to both managing your symptoms and preventing them from getting worse.
It all starts with believing our self-care matters. Which really means believing that we matter. This course can help you do just that.
"With Tiny Buddha's new course, I find myself thinking about how I landed in the place of not really practicing self-care. There are insightful questions in the course workbooks that really got me thinking. Self-care was fairly absent in my primary family, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say healthy self-care habits were pretty much non-existent!
Going through this course is showing me how self-care was never a part of my life growing up. I choose, now, to be very mindful of my self-care, my self-compassion, my self-love! These are more than just concepts. They are helping to create a mindset in me that I MATTER!! This is something that I have fought to make true, even though it hasn't always been reinforced by others. I'm realizing that it's not as important for others to recognize this truth, as it is for ME to know this truth!! And I DO!!
Thank you, Lori, for offering this very valuable course!!"
Beth, Quartzsite, AZ
There are lots of courses out there that could help you change various aspects of your life.
But none of us can grow beyond the limitations of our beliefs and conditioning, which is why we continually fall into the same old patterns—until we do the work to break them.
Instead of taking one more course on relationships, work, or money, make this the year you create real change by recognizing how you're sabotaging yourself, and why, so you can honor, value, and prioritize yourself in all choices going forward.
There is no greater tool than self-knowledge because this is what enables you to identify your own unique needs and create a plan (that you can actually stick to!) to meet them.
And there is no greater investment than one that enables you to take good care of yourself, because this is what creates the foundation for thriving in all aspects of life.
Not convinced this course is worth the investment? Give it a try for 30 days, and if you haven't found it helpful, you can contact me for a full refund.
I have a feeling you will find it helpful, though. And I hope someday you'll reach out to let me know how your life transformed when you finally started meeting your deepest needs and prioritizing your own happiness.
Lori Deschene, Tiny Buddha Founder
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