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    Dear Helcat:

    Good news on the sleeping front: I woke up early, but not too early (about 6:30 am), there is evidence that I was up last night, but I don’t remember being up. This means that for the first time in too many months, I didn’t lie awake thinking, or not long-enough to remember. I wish this to happen again and again.

    I am glad you liked the song. I wish I was skillful at singing because I love to sing.

    You don’t have to not bring things up for my comfort…“- I would rather respond to what you bring up in regard to any topic that may be distressing for you. And, I would rather respond- not with questions and exploration efforts, as in trying to look into things and understand better- but with simple emotional support.

    Thank you for your kind words, and you are welcome!

    On the whole, it was good to have a week where we only had one minor disagreement. My nervous system recovered a little and I do feel a bit calmer. I do hope that things continue to improve.“- I hope so too, one week at a time, one day, sometimes one moment at a time.




    Hi Anita

    That is great news that you had a good nights sleep.

    I’m not good at singing either, I’m actually pretty bad at it but I have always enjoyed singing, so I do it anyway. I think that anyone who loves to sing should sing. 😊

    That is fine. I’m quite happy for you to do what you are comfortable with.

    Love and best wishes! ❤️🙏


    Dear Helcat:

    I agree: anyone who loves to sing should sing! Love and best wishes back to you!



    My husband thought he saw our missing cat. I hope that this is a good sign and she will come back home soon.

    I’m glad that things are going better with my husband. Instead of expressing my insecurities I told him I missed him and asked to chat for a bit. We talked and cuddled.

    It really helped because I was in my head before and by not expressing my fears and instead expressing my needs it allowed us to have some positive communication. It made me feel a lot better and put my fears at ease without having to talk about them or ask for reassurance.

    I had a nice day today.


    I feel like hope is really important. I’m feeling hopeful. My cat isn’t dead like I feared she was because she is elderly. I feel like things are getting better with my husband too. I’ve even felt happy.

    To be without hope is a very hard thing. Strange as it sounds, hope is what has kept me going throughout difficult times in my life. Hope that things change.


    A not so good day, but not a terrible day today. We talked about some difficult stuff. My husband’s family are being difficult. My husband had been lying about it, so I wouldn’t get upset.

    Ironically, it upset me more going along on these false pretences. He would rather lie and me be upset with him for appearing to not take action than to be honest and say that he tried his best and that his family were rude and for me to be upset with the appropriate people.

    He didn’t have to pretend. He could have just been honest.

    He thinks that I’ve had difficulties with his mother since the birth. There was a situation where she called and interrupted my surgery. My husband left the operating theatre to take the call. I can understand why he did that. It is difficult for him to be in a different country and that his family were not there when his son was born. But it was also a horrible thing for me to experience. And the nurses suggested that my husband didn’t want to be there for the surgery when he left the room which upset me even more than I already was. And I was scared to give birth before I was even prepped for surgery. It took me weeks to get over the flashbacks to that day whenever his mom called.

    I can understand why he fears that I never truly got over that. But there were other difficulties when we visited and introduced his family to our son. He was asking them to apologise for these difficulties when they laughed and said no. This was hurtful to me.

    My husband was a little grumpy with me because I was upset about this but not overly so. This whole situation has stressed me out.

    Now, I fear I was too hopeful. Perhaps my husband is right and it will take some time for us to fix things between us.

    I do appreciate that he tried his best to discuss these things with his family and I appreciate that he did his best to stay calm and be understanding during our conversation.


    Not an easy day, but not a bad day. I had a dream that we got our cat back.

    I didn’t want to talk about things and cause more stress.

    Everyone deserves the perfect journey into parenthood, much the same way that everyone deserves the perfect childhood. It is a shame that most people don’t experience it. I guess that is life. Nothing is perfect, things can be hard.

    It is hard to process these things. As an unplanned pregnancy, it took a while for my husband to adjust. I just wanted him to be happy for us. I never got to feel like that. Instead, I worried the whole time he would leave.

    When my contraceptive implant failed after the birth, he freaked out badly.

    I can forgive. I have forgiven him everything. But forgiving doesn’t take away all of the pain or the memories.

    The silver lining of this is our beautiful son. I think the pain is more than a fair trade. Without it, he would not be. I just wish that the cost wasn’t borne of our relationship.

    I hope that we can get through it and figure all of this out. We are both trying our best.


    So excited and relieved that I passed my class! I couldn’t sleep and was worrying about it all night because my results posted later than a lot of the other students. I only completed half of the final because I’m very slow at the moment. To pass the class you have to get a certain grade on your final. I managed to scrape a pass on the final. Fortunately, my assignments balance out the bad exam score somewhat. It has been hard studying with a baby, so I don’t care about having a good grade, I’m just happy that I passed. I didn’t leave much wiggle room for myself, so it was all a bit stressful. 😅


    Unfortunately, it wasn’t our cat that my husband saw. He first saw it at night, so I understand the confusion. I think that he misses our cat a lot. I do too. We agreed to get an urn for her even though there are no ashes. I thought it would help us to process and grieve.

    My husband was very supportive when I was anxious about the exam. I really appreciated that. Even when I didn’t believe in myself, he believed in me. That meant a lot to me.

    My sister recommended a video to me that helped her, so I thought I’d give it a go.

    I noticed that I was having negative thoughts about past arguments with my husband. The thought is unhelpful and potentially catastrophising because part of me is worried about it reoccurring and the relationship failing. I’m going to reframe this by refocusing and acknowledging the things that are going well at the moment. The arguing has calmed down and stopped for now. We are focusing on the good things and being kind to each other. Just because we have made mistakes in the past doesn’t mean that we are doomed. We could also succeed. We need to both put in the work to get there and try. I know that I want to do that. All we can do is try and the whole point of trying is because we believe that there is something worth saving.

    It does make me feel better.



    Things are still going better with my husband. I’m happy to say that there has been no more arguing.

    Unfortunately, there is a lot of stress in our lives at the moment. My husband is breaking down and a lot of past trauma is coming up for him. I’m doing my best to support him. He was surprised that I am still being supportive after all of the arguing.


    Life just hurts and it is hard for me too. It feels like there hasn’t been any room for how I feel in the relationship. I’m trying my best to be supportive and not add to the stress. It is hard being strong for everyone.

    I’m glad that my husband is finally starting to see things more clearly. It has been a long wait through a lot of craziness for him to deal with his post partum depression. I know that it was hard for him that I wasn’t able to be there for him during the pregnancy (he was being the strong supportive one) and when the baby was born. I was busy dealing with my own depression and the intensive care of looking after a newborn. He felt just as alone as I did. It was hard situation all around. Feeling cut off from your best friend. Watching them struggle and act out of character. Bearing the brunt of that. I really did try my best but I did make mistakes too. I tried to handle too much myself and only asked for help when I was at breaking point. I blamed him for not helpful enough. I had faith that he would be still there when I got through it all and we would find our way back to each other.

    He no longer blames me for everything. Instead he blames himself for everything now. I told him that isn’t helpful either. I hope that he comes to find a more balanced view that some things are just hard and he shouldn’t blame himself. Everyone makes mistakes. Having a baby is hard and one of the most stressful situations a relationship can go through. I think that it is nature screening out people who aren’t suitable for parenthood.


    There was an argument today. My husband lied to me and his mother encouraged him to do so. He wasn’t receptive to that is a problem for me. He believes that his mother has the right to say whatever she wants.

    He yelled at me and made our son cry. Then when I was comforting him he yelled in his face and took him away from me when I was telling him to leave him alone. Of course, my son wouldn’t stop crying and I begged him to give him back to me, when he realized he wasn’t calming down he did.

    I know that he wanted to help calm him down but he made it worse. I don’t like this.


    More arguing. I called his mother to talk to him when he started upsetting the baby and walked away. She couldn’t stop him either.

    I’m not having anything to do with him until he decides to start caring about his family again. I’ve been patient with his breakdown for the past year. I’m tired of all of this. I wish he would pull himself together. I just want my husband back.

    I don’t know if he can change though. I really don’t know.

    Jana 🪷

    Hello Helcat,

    I am very sorry that you find yourself in troubles now.

    What exactly happened – what was the lie (if you want to share more about it)

    I’ve read (somewhere here on tinybuddha) you were going to meet a Buddhist teacher together. Have you stopped being in touch with the teacher? I think he might be useful for you now. He could give you at least advice on how to navigate through this difficult time. (From that message, I understood that your boyfriend is very interested in Buddhism and quite active in its practice)

    ☀️ 🪷


    Hi Jana

    Thank you for your kind message! 🙏

    My husband lied about his addiction to pornography. He told all of his friends and family about his difficulties with it while I was pregnant. But he didn’t tell me. He actively lied to me about it. I feel left out.

    The sad thing is that I have always been supportive and told him that I don’t mind if he does watch porn. A lot of men do it. I don’t like being lied to. I was lied to a lot growing up and it hurts me. I don’t really understand why he lied to me.

    The teacher is not Buddhist. He is a Daoist healer. My husband is studying with him. He wants to learn to do what he does. It isn’t so much conversational teaching. There is a set of practices to do. I have been thinking of getting back into the meditation aspect of it though. It has been hard with a baby because the practices are time consuming.

    Things are better today at least.

    Love, peace and best wishes! ❤️🙏

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