
Posts by Andrea-Haupts

Andrea Haupts is a PR & Communications executive turned freelance author and an anxiety expert by experience. She’s passionate about helping others to live a full and fearless life. Having lived in Europe and Asia, she currently commutes between Dubai, UAE and Europe. Learn more on how to be fearless on her recently launched blog www.myfearlessheart.com.

Andrea-Haupts's Website

Dare to Stand Out: 3 Ways to Let Your Unique Self Shine

“If your number one goal is to make sure that everyone likes and approves of you, then you risk sacrificing your uniqueness, and, therefore, your excellence.” ~Unknown

I can remember many times in my life when I was afraid to stand out.

When listening to a lecture or panel discussion at school, I always had questions to ask, but the moment I finally raised my hand, my heart would start palpitating and gravity would force my arm down.

The same thing happened in business meetings. I struggled to articulate my ideas, although I was sure they could have brought some …