
Posts by Ana Ogilvie

Ana, her husband, David, and biological daughter, Molly, are a waiting adoptive family with the Independent Adoption Center out of Concord, California. They live in Clarksburg, a small town fifteen miles south of Sacramento, with their two dogs, two cats, and five chickens. They eagerly await the completion of their family through Open Adoption. Please visit them at http://iheartadoption.com/users/Ogilvie and on Facebook.

How to Make Life’s Challenges Count for Something Good

“Life shrinks and expands in proportion to one’s courage.” ~Anais Nin

Many people have told me that I am a brave person. Mostly though, I think I just play the cards I’m dealt.

When I was twenty-one years old, I had a stroke. In a single moment, everything I had ever taken for granted about my health and about my youth flew right out the window. I felt truly vulnerable for the first time in my young life and it scared the bejesus out of me.

Following a full recovery, that fear quickly turned into intense bitterness and anger that …