
Posts by Heidi Juniper

Heidi Juniper is a recovering perfectionist & self-connection coach, who helps people like you use Self-Kindness to connect more deeply to your basic goodness, your emotions, & your innate wisdom. She invites you to visit A Kindful Place--a community to Awaken True Potential thru Meaningful Connection & Self-Growth Tools--or to say hi on Facebook.  <<Blessings, Dear Ones.>>

Heidi Juniper's Website

You Have the Right to Feel Safe in Your Relationships (Even with Your Family)

“Anger is a signal, and one worth listening to[…]  It exists for a reason and always deserves our respect and attention.”  ~Harriet G. Lerner, The Dance of Anger

My journey to authentic safety began, at long last, with my discovery of my own anger.

Anger is my least favorite emotion. I don’t even particularly like its cousins—annoyance, irritation, frustration.

The moment that cemented my profound dislike occurred when I was a teenager.

I had tucked myself away in a corner of the house—in the dark den where my family kept the computer. (Just a word processor—this was in the dark …