
Posts by Maxine

Maxine is a mindset & talent blogger from Germany. With ‘The Leader of Tomorrow’ she is dedicated to accelerate your success by helping you tame your inner beast and unleash your potential. Get started by taking her free 30 day course: ‘Talent Unlock’– the kickass course to discover your talents. You can also connect with her on Facebook.

Why You Don’t Need to Eliminate Self-Doubt and Fear

“The more you hide your feelings, the more they show. The more you deny your feelings, the more they grow.” ~Unknown

Self-doubt has been a companion that has followed me around like a trained dog follows his master. Every step I’ve made outside of my comfort zone, it’s been there, right beside me.

Moving from Germany to England to attend high school, I was full of high hopes and aspirations. But despite my intensive English course and hard work, I could hardly understand anyone in the first few weeks.

Feeling left high and dry by my so-called “English skills,” I …