
Posts by Molly-Ritvo

Molly Ritvo is a writer living in Burlington, VT. She loves to be outside, practicing yoga, travelling to peaceful places, cooking, and spending time with her loved ones. She is currently embarking on a new career chapter.

When You’re In Transition: Being Patient and Accepting Uncertainty

“Fear, uncertainty, and discomfort are your compasses toward growth.” ~Celestine Chua

Change is never easy, yet it’s always around us. Sometimes it hits us over the head (if you experience divorce, a career change, a move, or a loss of a loved one). Other times, it’s hiding around the next corner. And most of the time, it’s happening even we don’t even know it.

My father firmly believed in the adage the only constant is change. Myself, however, I avoided change as much as I could because I didn’t want to deal with uncertainty.

After a well-scheduled high school …