
Posts by Nadine Frederick

Nadine is a stay-at-home mom, freelance writer and babysitter. After being diagnosed with PPD, she made happiness a priority and began pursuing a writing career. She created Focus On Yourself where she blogs about living a selfish life considerate of your own needs. You can follow Nadine on FacebookTwitter, and Pinterest.

Nadine Frederick's Website

Dealing with Toxic Relationships and Finding Emotional Freedom

“We would do ourselves a tremendous favor by letting go of the people who poison our spirit.” ~Unknown

My husband and I both have living grandparents. My daughter has met the grandparents on my husband’s side, but she hasn’t met mine. Some think I’m cruel for not taking her to meet my grandmother because I had an excellent relationship with my great grandparents.

Some ask why I haven’t contacted her in the two years since my only child was born. I could give a long drawn-out response and try to explain why I gave up on a relationship with my …