
Posts by Raylene Samuels

Raylene is the founder of the inspirational website www.hapicup.com. Her mission is to embrace the enchanting moments in life and become the person she’s meant to be. She believes that we create our own destiny and must never underestimate the power of our thoughts and intentions because the Universe is listening. Connect with her on Twitter @RayleneSongbird.

Raylene Samuels's Website

Changing Direction: It’s Not Too Late to Be Who You Want to Be

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” ~C.S. Lewis

Growing up, people always saw me as the over-achiever and said, “That girl is really going to make something of herself one day.”

I often felt the pressure of having to live up to these expectations.

I recently turned 30 and it was a day of reflection for me. I always had this idea that by the time I turned 30, I’d be one of the top celebrities in South Africa, living the life of a talented singer, a self-made millionaire, driving a …