
26 and never been in a relationship

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    I’m a 26 year old male. I’ve never had a girlfriend, been on a date, held hands, kissed a girl and as you might have guessed, I am still a virgin. I pretty much have no experience when it comes to romance or intimacy. I’m embarrassed and ashamed of myself. I’ve been suffering from severe shyness my whole life. The problem is, it’s kept me from developing properly socially, and I think its a big reason why I’ve never been in a relationship. Although I have quite a few female acquaintances, I have always been seen as the “good male friend” and the so called “nice guy” and never a potential partner.

    I’m an introvert by nature and prefer to stay at home rather than go out and party or be social. This means I have very few chances to meet people and form relationships, apart from my work. I’ve never asked a girl out before. I know that sounds weird but the whole thing terrifies me. There have been times I have been tempted to in the past but the thing that pops into my head is “girls don’t like guys like you, you’re a ugly loser, she would never want to be with you anyway” so I end up never going ahead with it. I’ve had plenty of crushes in my life but needless so say, none of them went anywhere and they stayed merely as crushes. I can’t flirt or chat up woman. I just don’t have the confidence or self-esteem to do it and I know both of those things are big issues when it comes to attracting women. I’m convinced no girl would possibly want to be with me, so why put myself out there and risk getting hurt as I know rejection would crush me. Plus, it’s safe to say that most women won’t want anything to do with a guy who hasn’t even been kissed at the age of 26. I tried online dating for nearly 3 years as well but it went absolutely nowhere. It’s so frustrating to me that something that comes so easy and naturally to the majority of men is damn near impossible to me.

    Whilst being a virgin and never having been kissed does worry me at my age. I’m more concerned with finding a woman I can connect with emotionally and share a romantic bond with but I know most women would never, ever want to date a guy in my position and I know no women find me attractive, after all I would have been with someone by now if that was the case. Part of me wants to give up and go live in a hermit colony or something, I mean if I haven’t found anybody by now it’s unlikely I’ll ever find them.

    So, I guess if anyone could offer me some advice about my situation, I’d really appreciate it.


    Dear Ahvoo:

    This is my understanding following reading your post and please let me know if my understanding is correct:

    You have no experience with a woman because of your severe shyness from which you suffered since childhood till the present, age 26.

    You did not have physical intimacy with a woman for no other reason but that you are severely shy.

    Being severely shy means that you are severely scared of being rejected by a woman. You cannot see yourself relaxing into the act of a kiss, let’s say. You can’t imagine yourself being relaxed enough to proceed with physical intimacy with a woman. You are just too scared.

    Am I correct?

    If I am, I have much more to say and share, as I was severely shy myself, and I mean, severely.



    Hi Anita:

    Does most of it come down to shyness? Yes, for the most part. But also due to lack of opportunity. I’ve never actually been in a situation where I have even come close to being physically intimate with a woman. Which I suppose once again comes back to my shy, guarded nature and the fact I am quite scared of rejection.


    Hi Ahvoo,

    “I’m an introvert by nature and prefer to stay at home rather than go out and party or be social”

    This I completely understand because I am an introvert to some extent as far not wanting to go out to a party/clubs/bars every chance I get. I’d rather be at home working on a project, yoga, outdoor farmers market, maybe go out to eat somewhere every now and then or catch a movie. Otherwise, I enjoy being at home working on something lite and creative, Whether that’s cooking, drawing or reading. I enjoy the peace I have at home with myself. So, therefore I understand you.

    You’re not ugly and you’re not a loser just because you’re a virgin/shy/haven’t been kissed yet. Who ever told you these things is ugly and loser because they are insecure about themselves. That doesn’t define you. You deserve love and affection and to most definitely have a beautiful relationship & life with a woman that you love. Just take small steps when it comes to building a relationship with a woman, let it flow naturally and don’t automatically think that every woman you come in contact with, will reject you. Now, if you continue to keep yourself so closed and don’t allow yourself at least the chance, people will sense you’re closed off. So the next time you start liking a woman, just stay calm, smile and relax. Start a conversation about anything you know, she will enjoy talking about. The secret that you may or may not know, is that people enjoy it when you ask them questions about themselves, you know like the little things. And then refer back to yourself on how might relate to them. It can be about a certain place, ethnic background, school, job, restaurant. Just go with it and let yourself flow……<3 Don’t concentrate on how you might get nervous, or if you say the wrong thing. Just be at peace with yourself, knowing you mean well and are communicating by being your special self.

    You will connect with a woman and have a special and loving bond with her, if you just give yourself the chance to allow yourself to flow with it. A special woman isn’t going to reject you, just because you’re a virgin and never kissed before. And when and if you do kiss a woman for the first time, just kiss each other lightly on the lips, you don’t need to put your tongue down each others throats for it to beautifully romantic. Just light pecks/kisses on the lips is already beautiful and romantic in itself already. A real woman who deeply loves you, will allow you to take as much time as you need when it comes to having sex for the first time. She will respect that when you are ready to make love to her, that you will decide and let her know when you feel comfortable to do so. Whether it takes months or even a year or so. Making love is something special you two will share privately together when you both are ready. By then you will have spent enough time with her to feel comfortable to do so.

    You can’t speak for the entire population of women, thinking that nobody is going to find you attractive and that every single one of them will reject you because it’s surely not true. The right woman is out there for you but you have to be open to the idea, allow your heart to give love as well as receive love.

    You are a beautiful soul and we are all equals here. You are no lesser than the rest of us, just because you’re a virgin and haven’t kissed yet. You have a lot to offer that special someone, just remember to relax and be confident in knowing that you are special just the way you are. Be at peace and love yourself, you deserve it and so does that special woman you decide to be with in the very near future. It will all be okay. Whenever you get nervous, remind yourself at that very moment to take a deep breath, relax, stay calm and just breathe…. Relax those nerves and you will be at peace. Just flow….<3

    If you have anymore more questions please feel free to ask me or ask the forum, everybody is here to help and support you. 🙂

    Sending you lots of love, positivity and light your way.



    Dear Ahvoo:

    I would say fear, which is what shyness is about, is a very powerful emotion that will stop you from making opportunities to meet women happen. Fear is like a big traffic stop sign. Stop! is the energy-in-motion that is sent by fear.

    A competent, caring, hard working psychotherapist can help you a lot, over time, to endure this powerful emotion and act in spite of it, in small ways at the start (this is key, starting small so not to overwhelm yourself). Starting in the context of the therapy relationship, you will open up there, express yourself, be accepted and supported when you do and in so happening, you will be less afraid to approach women, or to open up to one. Always starting small and proceeding gradually.

    If you would like, you can share here, on this thread, more about yourself, things you are just a tiny bit fearful about sharing, and I will for one, respond with acceptance of you and support: not negative criticism and rejection from me. You can do that, if you so choose, and we can continue to communicate.


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