
Getting Ready.

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    Hello Everyone!

    Getting ready to start a family here soon and just wanted to ask a few questions to those who have kid/kids.

    1. What changed after you had kids with your other? Good or bad between you and them?
    2. How did you change as a person?
    3. Whats your best number one advice for someone whos getting ready to start a family?
    4. Where you afraid before you took the leap to parenting?

    Looking forward to the replies! Talk to everyone soon!


    Hi The Thinker, Congratulations on your big decision! Your thoughtfulness about your situation shows that you have a jumpstart on the whole parenting thing. In answer to your questions:
    1. Everything changed. In some ways it was good and in others… not so good. The good is to see these little beings pull you together as a team. Kids can be stressful— financially, emotionally, etc. Sometimes it can be hard but try to focus on the good and let the rest go.
    2. I changed in many ways. Before having kids, I had so many ideals on how My Children Will Never_________. I quickly learned and am sometimes reminded to not judge others for their parenting styles. It always comes back to bite you. When you say “My child would NEVER act that way!” is like pushing an invisible button so that your child in the future will act that exact way x10. Karma, I guess?
    3. My #1 advice to those starting families has 2 parts: 1. make a date with your partner every week. Never miss that date. It is crucial. Kids take time and energy to raise and it is so easy to lose your tie with one another just by being busy. 2. You are your child’s voice and advocate. Don’t back down for them & always listen to what they have to say.
    4. I wasn’t afraid but maybe I should have been? Parenting is hard…. you never know if you are making the right decisions. However, it is the absolute best journey you can go on in life.

    Best wishes!

    Francis Young

    If you you mentally, physically and financially stable and ready then you can think of starting a family.

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