
How do I find direction in work

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    Im a 30 year old female. Over the years I’ve tried several different careers. Although I’ve been pretty good at most things I’ve tried, I tend to get bored easily and quit. Most people tell me its because I haven’t found my passsion. However, when I sit and think I can’t think of one thing I would like to do for the rest of my life.

    I want to do different things at different times. Sometimes I want to be a writer and sometimes a makeup artist. However, I start worrying about things like whether I would make enough money doing it, whether I would be successful etc and these thoughts keep me from even trying out a career.

    I feel like a failure because most people my age are already settled and successful while I’m still sitting here and trying to figure out life.

    How do I find direction in life? How do I find work that I would be happy doing the rest of my life? Your help will be much appreciated.



    First off, I think your situation is more normal than you think it is. I’m 29 and I’m in a job that I’m not sure about long-term. I don’t think there is anything wrong with trying out different Jobs until you find one that you really like, but I also think that your career doesn’t necessarily have to by your passion in life. You can find your passion in a hobby, and just find a job that you like good enough to pay the bills, and there’s nothing wrong with that either.

    If you really want to find your passion though, it might help to look at your hobbies and find a job that fits close to that. What is one thing that you’ve been interested in for long time? You don’t have to answer, just think about it.

    I hope that helps a little


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