
Need honest truth about my crush

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    I need everyone to give it to me straight about this guy I like.

    I knew this guy in high school but we weren’t friends and I never had a crush on him. Until a few weeks ago when we went on a date. There was an instant connection and I thought it went really well. I tend to leave most dates thinking “ehhh I don’t really care if I see him again or not.” But I didn’t feel like this with this guy. I wanted to see him again. We don’t live in the same town but I am actually in the process of moving to his town (for other reasons…not for him, just to be clear).

    So date went well and he told me he had such a great time and wanted to see me again. We’ve been texting and I let him know the other day that I will be in his town soon (next weekend) and asked if he would be around. He said yes and asked me if I wanted to get dinner on a specific night. Everything should be good, right? I feel like I’m just reading into everything. I’m busy and I know he is too but I can’t stop reading into his texts or if he takes awhile to respond. I feel like we are pretty equal on who initiates conversations (i.e. it’s not just be texting him). He has texted me quite a few times staring legit conversations. There were a couple of times I said something and thought he’d respond but didn’t. But then he would end up texting me awhile later so I told myself it was really in my head and I can’t just expect him to text me when and how I want.

    The other night we were texting but it kind of died down. He ended up texting me later but I was already asleep. He texted me a bunch of things and then realized I was probably asleep and said that he would talk to me the next day. So I saw the texts the next day (yesterday) and responded. I totally thought he would answer me based on the fact that he had initiated the conversation and was looking for my feedback. But he still hasn’t texted me anything.

    So I’m confused now. Am I completely reading into this? Should I let it go? Not text him? I’m assuming we still have our date for next weekend but I really don’t want to waste my time on someone who isn’t interested. As a sidenote, I don’t really trust a lot of people. I feel like I’ve been hurt a lot and I expect guys to just change to minds with me. I feel like I’ve been aware with this guy to not text too much or get needy or anything. I really need someone to tell me their opinion on this!


    Dear sam1:

    It seems to me that you are overly thinking this, obviously anxious and looking for evidence of approaching danger, looking for the first sign that this person will hurt you. You look for the sign so to be prepared and not be caught by surprise. As it hurts so much more when we don’t expect it.

    The real issue fueling your anxiety is not the fact that he didn’t text you back after your texting him yesterday, but that as you wrote, you have been hurt a lo before. Would you like to share about that?



    Thank you, Anita for responding. I know you are probably right. I am worried and looking for him to hurt me because it’s easier.

    I should start by saying I haven’t always been hurt. There are guys I’ve dated who I ended up ending things with or I’ve gone on first dates and never texted again. I feel like lately though the guys I like show interest in me and then disappear. The last guy I dated was verbal about how he was into me. And then one day he just kind of freaked out about us. I know it wasn’t personal because he was very honest about it. The boyfriend before told me after a year and a half that he wasn’t sure if he loved me anymore. The same guy who said I love you way too soon!I met a guy on a trip last year who said he wanted to get to know me and then disappeared once I gave him my number. I then went on a 6 hour date with a guy who said he would call and never did. I know that wasn’t personal either but after it happens a few times it’s hard not to take it personally or wondering what I’m doing wrong. It’s also hard to see everyone in relationships and I keep finding guys who are all in and then basically change their minds.

    I also should say I don’t think about these guys anymore. Some of them hurt more than others but I know none of them were the one.

    I tend to keep myself pretty distant from dating because I hate this feeling I have now. I just wish I didn’t care about this guy. What are your thoughts? Thank you! (And sorry for any errors I’m on my phone).


    Dear sam1:

    Before your experiences with those few guys, one losing his too-soon-loving feelings for you and the other never calling you back, where you as a child (way before dating started) rejected by a parent or both? If you were, those early experiences need to be processed.

    Otherwise, with this guy and any other, you will need to adjust your expectations to reality and take it really slow. Notice when you get anxious and purposefully calm yourself. You have to come to terms with the nature of dating: that is that it takes a long, long time to get to know a person (without desperate needs and feelings clouding our ability to see the reality for what it is), to develop trust (based on who the person is, in real life, not in our fantasy and wishful thinking) and to have more and more experiences together. It simply takes a lot of time and attention-over-time. You can’t rush it by keeping tracks on who is texting how often.



    Thank you so much. I really needed to hear that. I also meant to mention that I am type a and a perfectionist. I plan everything in my head and get disappointed when things don’t go as planned. I’m like this in basically everything. I can be exhausting. I know deep down things take time and that just because he’s not doing exactly what I want or expect doesn’t mean he’s not interested. And it shouldn’t be the end of the world if he’s not.

    To answer your question… No, I had a great childhood and a great relationship with my parents. My mom is now passed but my dad and I are very close. But I do wonder sometimes why I tend to need a lot of reassurance and am scared of rejection.


    Dear sam1:
    Yes, one cannot micro-manage a relationship, got to give it time and room to grow, if it will.

    If your tendency to need a lot of reassurance and being very scared of rejection pre-dated your dating life, then it probably has its origin in your childhood, those formative years, termed so because we form then. Children, minor and into adulthood are very motivated to view their childhoods and parents as good and even perfect. If you do need to look there, you may be surprised.



    Do you think it’s okay to still text him or should I take a step back?


    Dear sam1:

    I think it is okay to text him. Sure. Why not? Be truthful in what you text him, make it simple and direct.



    Anita – another question for you. I’ve been thinking about why I need reassurance and/or base my self worth on my relationships (terrible I know!). Like I said before, I am a perfectionist. I always have been. I’m an only child and I think my parents probably put a lot of pressure on me to succeed. I remember one time in first grade crying because I didn’t win a ribbon for a project. I remember feeling like I should have won – that I deserved it. Now that I’m adult, I don’t cry over losing but I am competitive. I push myself and strive to always do the best. I hate making mistakes and I thrive when I am rewarded or acknowledged. I think I’m realizing that being single plays into this. I feel like I am failing because I am single and I hate failing.

    I should say that I feel very independent. I have my own hobbies, a good job, I work out regularly, etc etc. There are many times when I am perfectly fine being single. But naturally, sometimes I don’t want to be single so when I meet someone I like I put a lot of pressure on it to work out. I base my self worth on whether they like me or if it works out. If it doesn’t I feel like I have failed at something (whether it was my fault or not). Does that make sense? How to I go about fixing this? Your advice to me earlier was very helpful.


    Dear sam1:

    You wrote that you “base my self worth on my relationships (terrible I know)” – a child bases her or his self worth on her relationship with her parent/s. No other way to come out of childhood with self worth. Most don’t and keep looking for it in another person, usually a romantic partner, and with the same desperation of a child needing it from the parent. It is this desperation that makes you so anxious-

    I don’t know of any other way to fix this without re-visiting one’s childhood and seeing that little girl that you were, seeing her hurt, her struggles and in so doing, re-connecting with that part of yourself.

    You don’t have to have physically or verbally aggressive parents to end up a hurt child, getting out into the world without an adequate sense of self worth: It can be parents that are simply not available, per-occupied. It can be parents who believe in doing and achieving only, not attending to the child’s feelings. It can be parents who encourage a child to look happy and frown when she is sad. It can be parents who do not allow mistakes, who act as if it is possible to not make mistakes.

    I don’t know any other way.



    So I texted him today. I thought it was relevant and intentional. And he still hasn’t responded. I guess I just don’t understand how someone could seem interested and initiate conversation and disappear.


    Dear sam1:

    It is possible that you had only him in mind for some time now, he had a few women in mind at the same time, texting with one and the other and meeting with whomever was available and close by at any one time. He could be multi-tasking, or multi dating.

    Maybe. How are you feeling? And are you waiting anxiously for a text back still?



    I’m feeling terrible and dumb. I’m also confused because we had a date set for this week so I’m guessing it’s off? It just seems so weird that he just disappeared after seeming interested.


    Dear sam1:

    You had one date with him. You had strong feelings about him, about a future relationship with him. He said he had a great time and would like to see you again.

    All your thoughts and feelings about him since the date were your own, all happening in-between-your-ears, literally, while what was happening in between-his-ears was not the same. That is certain. You were wishing and hoping and ready to attach and he was not. This does not mean there might not be a relationship with him in the future. It means he didn’t share your thoughts and feelings. He had his own that didn’t fit with yours.

    This is a very important point to consider: when we feel so much and wish so much we tend to believe the other feels this way too. It is a distorted thinking category called Emotional Reasoning: we want something so much, we imagine it is happening.

    Pay attention to this in future interactions with this guy and with others in the future. It will bring you clarity and wisdom.

    As to this guy, possibilities are he had an emergency and that is why he didn’t respond to your last text. Or he has been so involved in a family function, a party, another girl. Or he doesn’t care any more, that when he told you he had a great time and would like to see you again, that was a social-lubrication type of lie, something he says almost automatically at the end of a date, as if it is something a man is supposed to say. These are some possibilities that come to mind.

    Thing is don’t get attached to your own thoughts and feelings imagining another is thinking and feeling the same (Emotional Reasoning)- be open to possibilities and be curious to know what is really happening.

    It is possible that he forgot or does not intend to have the second date with you. It is possible he remembers. I would text him a few days before the planned date to verify, letting him know that if he does not respond within 4 hours or so, that you will make other plans. Then follow through.


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