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    I’ve met a lot of people since I started college, some of them became my closest friends, sometimes I hang out with others, and I haven’t seen the rest of them for a while.

    Although I’ve met a lot of people and at some point in my life had close friends who supported me and care for me, I feel like I don’t have friends anymore. There’s no one that I can think of as my true friend. I feel so alone, I feel like I’m the only person that I can count on. And I know that it is okay to support and take care of myself, but it’s like I have no one to talk to.

    The people who were my closest friends before now call me o text me when they have a problem or when they need someone to cheer them up. I like helping people as long as I can, but they never help me the same way. Whenever I try to speak about the things that I’m going through nobody seems to understand me, sometimes I feel like they are not even paying attention. And I’m tired of it. I’ve been thinking about meeting new people but it is not as easy as it sounds.

    I feel misunderstood and not only by them but by my family as well. I’m always open to listen and help them but they don’t understand that I have things going on in my life as well and that sometimes I am the one who needs to be listened.

    How do I deal with this situation? How do I address my discomfort without making them feel bad?


    Dear Nats:

    I would like to understand your struggle here. You wrote: “Whenever I try to speak about the things that I’m going through nobody seems to understand me, sometimes I feel like they are not even paying attention.”

    Can you pretend you are trying to speak here, to me, about something you are going through, do so in the way you have done with friends/ family?

    And then can you write how they respond, what they say after what you shared?

    And to your last sentence: “How do I address my discomfort without making them feel bad?” What do you mean by “making them feel bad.” How will you be making them feel bad and what is that bad feeling you don’t want them to feel?


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