
why games are aren't fun

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    We all love games from sports to video games to even simple board games. In relationships games aren’t normally something we should love to play. I know plenty of people who have been in relationships where they’ve been played or have done the playing. It’s not a fun thing to be apart of, and heres why. There is a false representation about who your partner is because of what they may be trying to accomplish. We’ve all been hurt and confused after the fact because we thought our girlfriend/boyfriend was this but than come to find out they were just stringing us along. The next thing is that perfectly good time and energy is wasted when it could’ve been used in a good relationship. We look back and say “all that time wasted”, it’s a bad feeling to know that you wasted months, or even years. All the time and energy could’ve been put into a loving relationship, being with someone who puts in equal effort. It’s a harsh reality but it’s what comes with dating and interacting with people. People who do this, those who play games and are time wasters are everywhere. The thing to do is not to combat a bad relationship with bad, but with good and leaving it as soon as possible. Take the high road and realize you are special, and someone deserves you. Some advice when this is happening to you. Always focus on bettering yourself even within a relationship, because you never know what will happen. It’s the one time being “selfish” is a good thing because at the end of the day your left with yourself. So keep looking for someone who has the qualities and traits you want but don’t allow yourself to be crippled by a bad relationship. Don’t allow it to see future partners in a bad light, continue to love and be loved. Till next time my friends.

    Jennifer Boyatt

    Amen! Love this: “The thing to do is not to combat a bad relationship with bad, but with good and leaving it as soon as possible.”

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