
Insecurities and over thinking.

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    So, I got into an amazing relationship about 8 months ago. She is literally the best person I have ever met. But before this relationship, my previous one was really bad. I was physically and mentally abused. I was cheated on several times and was told I was crazy all the time when I would confront her about the cheating. That being said, my jealousy and insecurities have really been kicking my butt lately. I did something really stupid, I read my current girlfriends journal a month or so back and saw that she had written about this girl at work that was hitting on her. Telling her how she wanted to kiss her and go out that night and “have fun with her.” And then my girlfriend wrote that she liked getting the attention but she would never cheat on me. And that she wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize our relationship. And I believe her. But I can’t get out of my head about it. I keep replaying things in my head about my past relationship and thinking that the same is going to happen in this one. How do I let go of this? This is the healthiest relationship I’ve been in. And I really want to do everything in my power to keep this relationship healthy and flourishing. Please someone, give me some words of wisdom!

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by tinybuddha.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by tinybuddha.

    Dear Nikkikappa:

    Anxiety (lasting fear when there is no imminent and present danger) leads to overthinking. The thinking brain tries to resolve the distress of anxiety by collecting evidence, analyzing, trying to solve a problem.

    Problem is… there is no problem in this relationship. You are anxious because of a previous relationship, previous experiences.

    Tend to the anxiety itself- if possible for you, competent psychotherapy will be the best place to attend to the anxiety and heal from your past emotional hurts. Otherwise, expressing your feelings of the past (feelings that get re-activated again and again in the present) will help. Maybe in a free support group, in some safe context.

    Maybe it will help you to express your feelings here, typing away here-


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