
Want to Help My Friends

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    So this isn’t for me but instead for my three closest friends. Our senior year of high school is wrapping up quickly, and all of them are super stressed right now. I know how they are- they don’t take time to rest or treat themselves, and end up working themselves to the bone while mentally breaking down. I want to help them in any way I can. Today alone I stayed after school a few hours to help two of them set up their art displays. I’ve offered a listening ear, but I’ve also decided I will try to organize the photos for prom because I don’t want to set more tasks upon their shoulders, so I’ll be trying to put that together and looking into party bus rentals among other things.

    Aside from this, I also want to write them moderately short but decent motivational letters to maybe help calm them or lift their spirits or at least show them they don’t need to shoulder everything alone. That, and I may try to bring a treat or two for all of them as time goes on.

    They’re all incredibly good people and are nervously awaiting the end of the year as well as college, and I just want to do what I can to perhaps ease their burden, although I realize the real changes can only be made by themselves.

    Does anyone have any other ideas for ways I may be of service to them?


    Dear Isra:

    Tell them that unless they change their attitude and slow down, their lives are going to vary from being “just” stressed, to being super-stressed with rare and fleeting breaks of calm. Tell them that this is an opportunity for them to practice calm, best they can, in the midst of challenge, and if they succeed, they will learn something more valuable than anything else they learned in high school.

    (But if you tell them this, will they look at you like you are from another planet?)


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