
Emotional affair

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     I was off on a job, traveling overseas for 8 months on a once in a lifetime experience that he supported. The foundation of our relationship was trust and communication as his job too makes him leave for 6 months at a time.  On the backside,  we’ve been with each other for about 5 years.  I’ve broken up with him twice to figure out myself while respecting him throughout these years. Our relationship was happy and healthy for the most part.

    Fast forward to the present,  4 days after getting back home I discovered he was texting his ex,  things he would say to me or call me,  pictures,  and they met up. We’re both devastated, he’s realized what he’s done and lost.  It’s too early to tell if this is salvageable. I’m hurting and going throught the stages of grief after being cheated on. I did see myself with him, but as his career takes him away in 45 days nothing will be solved by then. Was this a blessing in disguise?  Should I have compassion and give it another go as he did with me? I know he’s a genuine person who made a mistake.  But at what cost? Lost.


    Dear Sassypants:

    It is a very challenging situation, a relationship where he is gone for six months at a time. The eight months you were gone was a challenge for him, would be for any man.

    A person gets lonely, alone. I would consider this fact.


    Lost In The Ether

    in the course of only 5 years, how much time have you actually spent together between prolonged work absences and 2 periods of breakup?

    You use the words trust, respect and compassion but nowhere mention love.  It looks to me like you’ve answered your own question.

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