
Obsessed and can't move on

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    My bf and I dated 2 years and lived together. We also work together. He began flirting with his assistant and when I called him out on it he said I was crazy. I had just been diagnosed with breast cancer and was doing hormone shots to freeze my eggs. My emotions were out of control. One night he lied about being with his assistant at the bar and I lost it. He never came home that night. He claims nothing happened but I don’t believe him. We broke up. Now he’s dating the assistant and I’m devastated. I still love him and we work together so moving on has been hard. I think about him constantly and I text him crying sometimes. I need help getting over him. Any suggestions?


    Dear Christine:

    I hope you heal from your cancer. That has to be a very difficult time for you, getting sick and losing your two year boyfriend.

    I didn’t understand:  you are interested in freezing your eggs, for what purpose?

    As to your ex boyfriend, my suggestion is that you no longer text him at all and have no contact with him outside of work, while keeping the contact professional at work.

    You do need comfort, only he is not the one, unfortunately. Maybe friends? A support group?



    Dear Christine,

    I hope you really start to feel better in time. Please focus on your health; this is the most important thing to do. You need to be calm to have more success and get cured fast! I am sure you have around you people that love you unconditionally; family and/or friends. Please stay strong for yourself and also for them. I know haw hard it is to break up and all the awful emotions included. But with time you will love more yourself and understand that the number one priority it is always YOU.

    Many wishes for fast recovery! Keep strong!!

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