
Reply To: 10 Factors Which Point To A Godless Universe

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Hi very late response and first post here, but felt compelled to reply.

I’m guessing your from somewhere where orthodox Christianity is the norm and whether were concious of it or not, all through our lives were indoctrinated in a belief system which in a nutshell states God created us, runs the show on earth and were his subjects. Therefore your 10 point list is absolutely valid and many of the points effectively destroy the version of “a loving God” most Christians hold dear. The irony is, I find modern Christianity totally devoid of any spirituality and many church parishioners I know appear to focus more on hate towards people who don’t subscribe to their own particular dogma, than matters of universal love, forgiveness and peace. Another irony for me is regarding your point 7, if you take the teachings of Jesus out of the bible and read them with fresh eyes you find his true messages start to shine through…

So where does this leave “God”? Here are a few points to ponder:

  1. Its established science fact that everything, yes everything that makes up the universe was actually one tiny ball of energy 13.7 million years ago and that everything, including us, is made of 92 known chemical elements. (Yes there are other theories doing the rounds than just the big bang, but it’s irrefutable everything throughout the universe is materially the same stuff). So if everything in the universe is the same as us, why do we commonly think of ourselves as separate and the universe as “out there”? Kick back, clear your head, gaze at the stars and dwell on this point – see what comes through …
  2. Want proof our conciousness survives bodily death? How about the experiences of tens of thousands of people fortunate enough to have had an NDE or similar. Check out the unedited experiences of real people. https://www.nderf.org/Archives/exceptional.html Too much evidence to counter the brain shutting down argument?
  3. So moving on, is it so difficult to accept the “Universe” is actually all of us and were part of it – kinda obvious really. I mean were in it, we come from it, everything is it. Even some famous spiritual teacher you might have heard of said “Split a piece of wood, and I am there. Lift up the stone, and you will find me there…” (but it ruined the nice novel some guys pulled together in the 3rd century, so didn’t get included, along with some other inconvenient details)
  4. So accepting we are all one – aren’t we a clever little universe. I was born, started to grow and evolve, developed Stars and exploded them to make the matter I need for my body, I organised every condition just perfect for life to evolve and voila – I can replicate and grow my conciousness! Grow, evolve, grow – life everywhere. Life like a wave out of my body – experience and grow, return to me, expand my conciousness, grow again over and over, cycle after cycle…
  5. Oh, but there is suffering – terrible suffering …but it’s “my” fault. Yes just like most of us in the west who have forgotten (and are not taught from birth) about our inherent spiritual nature, we create (or pass on) a lot of our own suffering. On a collective subconscious level we (I) are doing the same. We have to evolve through this by understanding in our material existence that we are the actual universe, we are all connected, interdependent parts of the whole. What we think, do and believe, form part of the collective unconscious and ONLY when  enough of us evolve spiritually, can we evolve this realm of existence towards heaven on earth.
  6. So where is “God” in all this? So we are the Universe, but where did I come from…? What is outside of me? What is this all pervasive love that envelopes me, silently watching me grow and evolve – knowing that no matter what I dream that I am safe, nothing can really hurt me and i’m loved for all eternity

Peace and love thyself – yes really love thyself