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I am not worried about the legal stuff. We are adults and respect each other. The difference between US and Russia, when I Google “Divorce Help” here, I get all kinds of legal stuff about getting attorney and everything else that I find below me. It’s so inhumane. When I search the same stuff on a Russian search engine, it all comes back as supportive message boards and advice and not a word about the legal aspect of things. I think these divorce laws, especially no fault state laws, are disgusting. A woman (or a man) can cheat and still get away with taking everything from their former partner. It’s wrong on many levels and I am very glad that I will never be that way and neither will my ex. We don’t live in that universe. My ex said that she doesn’t want anything because we are still very close friends and even if I am forced to pay something, she said she will give me every penny back. We may live in America, but we are not brainwashed by the culture to hate each other and cause each other pain. In fact, her friend told her about getting alimony and taking things that I acquired on my own and my ex ended that friendship. We are always going to be above that.
On the topic of my trust\distrust of women, I agree, I don’t and should trust women (or anyone else) right now. I trust a few people and that’s enough. I will learn to trust people going forward, but they will have to earn my trust. I am a good person, a good friend, I’ll drop everything and be there for someone who is worth it, but I am no longer going to be walked up on by those who think they can use me because of my decency. My grandfather was an orthopedic trauma surgeon who saved lives not because it was his profession, but because it was his life. I am not nearly as talented as he was, but he taught me the value of being a decent person in a society based on greed, lies, manipulations, and other negative factors. Just because there are wolves around, doesn’t mean you should become one to protect yourself. And just because there are sheep around, doesn’t mean you have to take advantage of their ignorance. Be decent, no matter what happens.
And I am not sexist, not that it matters or anyone’s business. I am a feminist and have always supported women’s rights. In fact, USSR was way ahead of US in terms of equality. Women rose right along men, since it was a socialist society, everyone was equal. My beef is not with women or modern Western feminism, my beef is with radical feminist agenda, aka feminazis, who blame men for things in the world, make us sound like we are all just lazy dumb idiots who can’t do anything ( just look at most of the commercials ). They call themselves progressives (or liberals), they are not, they are regressives and are causing great harm to the women’s movement. It’s funny and sad when I hear a woman say, “We want to be equal to men” and in the same breath they might say, “All men are dogs”….. The hypocrisy is laughable
But thank you for your thoughts.