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  • #222785

    Hi there,

    I’m from the Netherlands and i’m sixteen years old now. I am living a normal life with my twinbrother and parents. I can easily make friends and talk to people but when i feel someone is more socializing than i am, i become shy and don’t know how to act when i’m around these people. It’s kind of stupid because i know that they are also ‘normal’ people, but it just happends and I’m not sure what to do. I think i’m overthinking what could happen instead of actually doing things that can help this problem?(idk how to call ) I believe im kind of jealous of these people cause they look like they have got everything they want, which i know isn’t true but when im with those people my mind believes they are perfect. I want to be myself everywhere but i figured that’s kind a hard. Anyone some advise?

    love, Maud


    Dear Maud:

    I would like to understand better, therefore I ask:

    1. You wrote: “i’m overthinking what could happen”- what could happen?

    2. You wrote: “they look like they have got everything they want”- what is it that they have that you don’t have?


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