
Reply To: Still Struggling – Any chance she might come back?

HomeForumsRelationshipsStill Struggling – Any chance she might come back?Reply To: Still Struggling – Any chance she might come back?


Hi Anita,

Thanks so much for the compassionate reply.

I know that what you say is 100% correct and I can point to other times during the relationship, even in the first four months, where she essentially treated me badly that perhaps I glazed over. Flirting heavily with other guys on nights out and that type of thing – I actually now wonder if she met the guy she started seeing/texting back in April that led to our first break on a night out with me as there was one time she was flirting so much with another guy in front of me that I had to leave the bar we were in, it was a week later when she suggested taking a break and it makes me wonder if he gave her his number that night and she wanted to explore that.

She is obviously looking for lots of attention and wanting to feel attractive at the moment and has no concept of loyalty – maybe she is very insecure and just a complete mess following the divorce? She doesn’t even seem to mind at the moment who is giving the attention. One of the guys I know she was chatting to, I accidentally saw his name on her whatsapp and couldn’t help but look at his twitter and facebook….. he is the exact opposite to me, massive burly guy, tattoos all over (no issue with that but found it strange as his physical appearance is completely opposite to me, he’s an ex-football hooligan, 4 kids by 4 different women and his twitter was full of racism and bigotry. Obviously I didn’t tell her any of this.

I just wondered what other statements you think might not have been very honest with me from my story?  What did you think about the way she ended it and the wording ‘needing to fancy someone more’, I keep going over that in my head.