
Reply To: Negative feelings

HomeForumsTough TimesNegative feelingsReply To: Negative feelings


Dear nrk2208:

It reads to me that you found yourself trapped in the last year or so, a situation almost every person finds himself or herself in, trapped within a family, a work place, trapped within a role of husband, father, employee, consumer, commuter and so  forth.

It is the complex society we live in. In nature, an unsatisfied animal can move elsewhere, no clothes to pack, house to sell, employment elsewhere to look  for, family members to deal with, the animal just… walks away.

In human modern society, there are rules and laws to every step you make.

Even as a consumer, in primitive times, or just older times, there weren’t many choices, nowadays there are so many choices it is almost a full time job to just choose: what cereal to  buy in the supermarket, what insurance policy to buy, and so forth.

Am I understanding your situation correctly, somewhat?
