Hello everyone,
As the title says I am struggling with my student exchange. I am a 15 year old high school student and am currently participating in a three month exchange in France. I have only been here for a little over a week but I absolutely despise being here. This isn’t to say I don’t recognize how privileged I am to do this, I truly appreciate the fact I had this opportunity. However, I am just feeling extremely sad. My host mother is being very rude and cold towards me. I talked to my parents and exchange coordinates about possibly switching to another family, but when they called my host mother she said she wants me to stay. I am also feeling extremely stressed because of all the school work I have to do. ( Its not university level, but i have to do three high school courses along with the courses in France) Due to the insurance policy I have to stay here for at least another 17 days, which i am capable of, but i don’t think I can stay for the full three months. I am feeling extremely homesick. I am constantly thinking about my house, town and family. Do you think i will receive negative backlash from classmates if I return home early? Do you think my parents will be angry with me? Any advice you have is greatly appreciated.