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    Not sure if this is the right topic but I’m after some inspiration. I want to start fresh like new years.  I feel I haven’t been following my goals/resolutions as much as I should. I feel bad for that and like Ive let myself and others down . So is it ok to start fresh on a different day? I’m trying not to compare myself with my friends and trying to be the person I’ve always wanted to be but I don’t know where to begin


    Dear Amy:

    There are probably millions of people who intended to start fresh New Year and are not feeling fresh at this time. How many people sign in to a gym, go there every day starting a new year and stop going by March? A whole lot. People expect that from a particular day on they will perform perfectly in whatever goal they have, but there is no such thing as perfect performance and a magical date to start being perfect.

    It is absolutely fine to start fresh today, but don’t expect to feel fresh every day after or to perform perfectly.

    I suggest you add this goal to any other goal you have: to learn from your daily life experience, every single day. Because you will make mistakes, that is, you will say and do things that will bring you results that you don’t like, so learn every day: what brings you good results and make you feel good and at peace, and what doesn’t.



    Thank you for your reply Anita.  I think it’s something I needed to hear-that reassurance that it’s okay


    You are welcome, Amy.



    Hi Amy,

    Try to set short-term goals for 3 months, come up with a plan and execute tasks (that leads to those goals) as much as possible. At the end of the third month, summarize everything and let go. If you use some online dashboards, like Trello, erase everything and start over, set different goals, absolutely new, fresh and crazy and start over 🙂

    I am at the end of my third month and I am looking forward to starting over again.



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