Dear Gregory:
“Dogs don’t sit around and worry about their career. Cats don’t think about their past mistakes or wonder what would have happen if they’d done something differently. Monkeys don’t argue over future possibilities, just as fish don’t sit around wondering if other fish would like them more if they had longer fins” – brilliantly said! And how lucky are dogs, cats, monkeys and fish for these things!!!
“As humans, we’re blessed with ability to Imagine ourselves in hypothetical situations, to contemplate both the past and the future, to Imagine other realities or situations where things might be different” – for us humans, it’s a blessing and a curse!
“My wife is one of those women who spend a lot of time in front of the mirror. She loves to look amazing, and I love for her to look amazing too (obviously)… Every once in a while, though, she looks bad. Maybe she tried to do something new with her hair. Men stereotypically lie in this situation to make their gf/wives happy. But I don’t… The last person I should ever censor myself with is the woman I love” – beautiful, Gregory, you are amazing!!!
“Fortunately, I’m married to a woman who agrees and is willing to hear my uncensored thoughts. She calls me out on my bullshit too, of course, which is one of the most important traits she offers me as a partner… Conflict exists to show us who is there for us unconditionally and who is just there for the benefits. No one trusts a yes- man” – excellent point, Gregory: no one trusts a yes-man, or a yes-woman. There has to be a No because none of us is faultless.
“I got the sober woman to be with… I will continue to teach other men to be good father and caring husband” – may the two of you teach men and women to be good and caring. It is a blessing and a delight to read from you, thank you!!!