
almost everything has become offensive

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    Writing from a throwaway account.

    Since some time, every little thing or statement has started becoming an attack on my personal self/ego. I am on a constant look out for situations where anyone messes up or where I perceive that someone has, and then I retaliate, often very angry and with a very destructive and suicidal attitude. The attitude has come about because, in my mind, I am ready to see things/relations destroyed so that finally I can leave everything and everyone behind and either end up homeless on streets or kill myself. My mind has made a decision of embracing complete destruction and so I am not afraid of speaking or acting rashly. At some point, I do realize that it is rash, but then I am unable to stop as the mind rationalizes that I am already on a destructive path; turning back at this point, after quite an amount of damage (in my work and life, and on my mind) has already been done, looks impossible and unnecessary. I think I am stuck in a position where I want continuous revenge.

    I have been trying saying affirmations from Louise Hay’s book, but my mind tells me they are lies and that even if they are true I do not deserve to get better. Teachings of Buddhism were a part of support I had, but they too have become a source of pain.



    I’m sorry for your suffering, and understand how challenging heightened sensitivity can be, especially without equanimity. Consider that sometimes when we dive inside, cultivate awareness and concentration, our senses can become more attuned. If we don’t balance that with a kindness practice, we can end up feeling disconnected and “in a cocoon”. The phrase that comes to mind to describe this is “would you just shut up so we can have some peace?”

    If we take some time to break apart the cocoon, peace is with us independently of the external. Consider watching Pema Chodron’s “awakening compassion” on YouTube, if interested. You’re right at the cusp of authentic tenderness, friend. Don’t give up.

    With warmth,


    Hi Lt,

    Anger is a result of unhealed hurt and pain !

    Please realize that things can get much worse than we think !!

    The basic tenet of Buddhism is not to hurt any other soul including YOURSELF.

    IT IS NEVER TOO LATE to make positive changes and turn life around – Please don’t give up.

    I pray your angels guide you forward.

    GOD Bless !

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