
Reply To: temporary long distance

HomeForumsRelationshipstemporary long distanceReply To: temporary long distance


Hi Misha. I was in a long distance relationship that was toxic and ended very badly. It was not a pleasant experience. Now I am in a healthy long distance (10,000 miles) relationship with a wonderful woman. From time to time I get freaked out too. I know how you feel. Old memories and experiences crop up because the circumstances are similar. But that’s just it, the circumstances are similar not the person you are with. When I feel insecure I just talk with her about it. I tell her how I feel and why. We talk openly about the challenges of distance and time. We’ve help each other get thru the difficult feelings. Perhaps an open dialog with your man would help. Give him a chance to re-assure and love you. Good luck on exams. 🙂