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Mr. Pop – I believe D has a right to make his or her decision on wanting to get back with their ex. Sometimes things do work out with ex’s because they take the time to work on their relationship, instead of taking the easy way out. See, this is exactly why I don’t particularly like these forums because people here think they know your life, know you and your emotions when they have never even met you. The healthy thing to do is to not judge because you aren’t in this persons shoes to know how they feel and what is best for them. Let them be and let them feel how they want to feel. you are not here to steer the wheel but to be a friendly passenger to ride along as they tell their story. If they want to go back to their ex and that’s what makes them happy, then let them. We are here to be neutral and positive. Not to act like we know everything about people not these forums. Live & let live. Quote: “All relationships go through hell, real relationships get through it.” 🙂 <3