
Insomnia and spiritual practice?

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    Hello guys. I’ve been struggling with sleep lately. And it’s not something usual. I am quite relaxed and as I go into that sort of a transition state where you go into a pre sleep deep relaxation.then all the sudden I get somehow excited. This makes me cognitive and alert again. It takes me quite a while till I get to sleep. Somewhere around. 4 am I will usually shut off my brain. This thing didn’t happen when my girlfriend came to sleep last night at my place as I immediately fell asleep. The same story a few nights ago when my mum decided to sleep in my room since we both couldn’t fall asleep. I have been recently practicing pretty actively things like meditation and sungazing. I have also put a pack of crystals near my bed to cleasen my mind, soul and body. Is this a possible reason of why I have been going through this insomnia? It’s very weird since some people use meditation to actually fall asleep. If anyone can help me with an advice I would be very thankful!

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by ivan.

    hi ivan
    yes, practicing some types of meditation and watching bright lights does decrease melatonin secretion, and cause difficulties in falling asleep. i used to have such problems previously when i was learning “art of living” pranayam. it stopped when i stopped doing such things.such meditation, etc are meant to be done in the morning when u wake up. taper off slowly whatever doing and remove crystals from ur bedroom (temporarily) till u get back to ur normal sleep pattern.. also cut down on coffee tea from 4 pm onwards. you will get good sleep at night.
    good luck.

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