Dear Jack:
Surprise (not), it’s me!
As to the site not having as many regular male posters as you’d like, I just posted male-friendly Winston Churchill sayings in JOKES. I may get grief for those (if it gets lively here again)…
As far as it not having enough Buddhism for a Buddhist-suggestive title forum, I am here to the rescue with the two principles of Buddhism as I know it that I believe in: 1) to awaken from inaccurate projections into reality, that is from delusions and distorted views and SEE the bare minimum of reality, of what it is when all inaccuracy is removed. 2) To be present in the moment, paying attention to the five senses, the body, the breathing, the now, aka mindfulness.
As far as expecting more people from Australia- have nothing encouraging in this regard. Never been in Australia although I saw a kangaroo, aka roo in Las Vegas Circus Circus casino.