
Need some advice please help!!

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    I really need some outside advice I feel as if I’m going crazy! I’ve been in a long distance thing talking to this guy for over 5 months. We started off talking a lot and getting to know each other. We have only gotten to meet twice and we have a very strong connection, the physical part of our relationship is amazing. Recently I have totally let go of all expectations he is the only one who initiates, we still have contact almost everyday but it’s not real deep conversation.  I feel as if I’m always worried if I will hear from him again. 2 days ago he expressed to me basically that he is falling in love with me and sees me in his future, we had a good conversation and i haven’t heard from him since. I know he is scared and I know he’s been cheated on, I feel as if he is also a player though. We talk on Snapchat and I’m sure he is snap chatting other girls also. I don’t know what to do if I should just block him and move on and let him go? I really do have strong feelings for him but I feel like I am constantly being hurt it’s like a rollercoaster with him! What are his intentions why is he doing this? 😔


    Dear Paige:

    For me to suggest anything useful to you, I need to understand better, therefore I ask:

    1. “I feel as if he is also a player though.. I’m sure he is snap chatting other girls also”- what makes you think that he is a player and what led you to be sure that he is snap chatting with other girls?

    2. “I feel like I am constantly being hurt it’s like a rollercoaster with him! .. why is he doing this?”- what does he actually do that hurts you; what are the specific things he says and does that cause your rollercoaster experience with him?


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