
Posts by Alicia Ingruber

Alicia Ingruber is an empowerment coach and somatic yoga teacher who supports women in becoming their most confident and fulfilled selves through regulating their nervous system, transforming their mindset, and aligning their energy to their unique Human Design. Guiding clients, workshops, and retreats all over the world, she is a big advocate of setting boundaries to create burnout-proof success, courageously following your purpose, and learning to love yourself unconditionally. Visit it her at aliciainspired.com and on Instagram.

Alicia Ingruber's Website

How I Created a Beautiful Life on the Other Side of Burnout

“If you dont give your mind and body a break, you’ll break. Stop pushing yourself through pain and exhaustion and take care of your needs. ~Lori Deschene

For forty-five minutes, I lay on my yoga mat in child’s pose, unable to move.

The exhaustion in my body felt like a thousand kilos, and the ache of failure pricked my eyes with tears.

Despite all my early morning runs, after-work bootcamps, and restricted meals, my body did not look like the bikini models I saw on Instagram.

Despite all my energy, efforts, and attention, my romantic relationship had