
Posts by Brandy Bell

Brandy Bell is a learner, teacher, traveler, and writer. She recently launched the free/budget travel website itsoneworldtravel.com where she encourages others to pursue their travel goals. Loaded with travel inspiration, budget tips, and the ultimate backpacking checklist, it’s a one stop site for achieving travel dreams.

Brandy Bell's Website

The World Needs You to Come Alive

“Don’t ask what the world needs, ask what makes you come alive and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” ~Howard Thurman

Three years ago, I found myself in the biggest predicament of my life.

I had finally found what made me happy. I knew that travel ignited a part of me that otherwise lay dormant. The foreign sights, sounds, flavors, and language of a new country are what make my heart pound, my blood pump, and my soul bloom.

I love everything about traveling, and how it impacts my life: the Greek …