
Posts by Carmelo Bryan

Carmelo Bryan shares nature’s wisdom at www.CritterWisdom.com. His mission is to help achievers find their purpose and overcome the struggle. He’s completing his book titled: “Defeating the ‘Guru Addiction Syndrome’ and Gaining Control of Your Life.”

Carmelo Bryan's Website

The World’s Top 7 Life-Changing Gurus

“Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer.” ~William S. Burroughs  

Where do you turn when life gets you down? Who’s your hero, your mentor, your pillar of strength amidst the turmoil?

Haven’t we all had those days when life just seems to be a battle? I know I certainly have. And then there are times when there’s an ongoing challenge that grabs hold of us and just won’t let go.

What can you do? Where do you get your strength—your answers?

For a lot of us, we look to …