
Posts by Debi Jayne

Debi is a self-love and confidence coach. She helps people who are tired of feeling lost in life and unworthy feel empowered so they can confidently step into a life they love with clarity, purpose, and direction. Ready to start your own transformational journey? Sign up to receive her freebie, How to Release the Fear of Unworthiness, or book a free discovery call with her.

Debi Jayne's Website

The Importance of Setting Strong, Healthy Boundaries

“If you love yourself, it doesn’t matter if other people don’t like you because you don’t need their approval to feel good about yourself.” ~Lori Deschene

I spent my whole life trying to please other people. I would put myself through stress and discomfort to fit in with what they wanted or needed. I would rarely feel confident enough to communicate what I wanted because when I did, I would be met with frustration or anger, and I’d often come away feeling stupid.

When I was growing up, I would feel my emotions very strongly, so a lot of …