
Posts by Gabrielle-Garrett

Once trapped in a cubicle, Gabi dreamed of being a freelance writer and yoga teacher. She has since interviewed some of the wildest humans ever, including the CEO of Belize Central Prison, and has been published in Entrepreneur, USA Today, and Apartment Therapy. Gabi believes anything is possible and is here to help you reach your next magical level, whether through PR training for your business, the tools to write your first book, or simply through seeing it can happen for you, too.

Gabrielle-Garrett's Website

That Big Life Change Won’t Be Satisfying If…

“Nothing changes unless you do.” ~Unknown

In the fall of September 2017, after one of the longest summers of event planning I could have imagined, I quit my job.

As I proudly exited the workforce to pursue my creative talents as a writer, I looked confident and excited on the outside. Yet, in that moment and for the years to follow, I was terrified on the inside.

Even though I’d exited my cubicle walls, head held high, the boundaries, fear, and rules of the office environment followed me around daily for over two and a half years.

I was now …

Why We Need Disconnected Alone Time (Without Social Media)

“Do not rely completely on any other human being, however dear. We meet all life’s greatest tests alone.” ~Agnes Macphail 

I have found that the more time I spend alone, the more comfortable I become in my own skin because I can truly get to know myself. This provides me with more patience to accept myself as I am, wherever I am in my journey, on a daily basis.

This lesson was something I learned after spending a summer alone in Italy with a family friend.

I embarked on the journey, turning off my phone for the first time, …