
Posts by Joel Readence

Joel is a Life and Executive Coach working with his clients in areas such as spirituality, life purpose, relationships, and career exploration. He partners with his clients to help them overcome fear of success, failure and judgment by others. Joel is a Certified Professional Coach, accredited through the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC). Visit him at joelreadence.com.

Joel Readence's Website

4 Tips to Live a Balanced, Happy Life with Fewer Regrets

“Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance and order and rhythm and harmony.” ~Thomas Merton

Balance has become an ever-elusive thing these days. The onslaught of technological breakthroughs, aimed at making life easier, has given way to a societal expectation that we are available around the clock.

This has bled into our careers, where our employers have ever increasing expectations that we can do more in less time. We have 168 hours in our week to sleep, work, rest, be with our loved ones, and pursue personal interests.

Unfortunately, the majority of people in the world today …