
Posts by Karin Gillespie

Karin Gillespie is the nationally bestselling authors of five novels, and has written nonfiction pieces for the NY Times, Washington Post and Writer Magazine. She regularly blogsfacebooks, and tweets.

Karin Gillespie's Website

Why Joy Trumps Happiness (And 3 Ways to Coax It Into Your Life)

“Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.” ~Henri Nouwen

Once upon a time I was on a relentless hunt for happiness. I’d root around for it in romantic relationships, search for it in visits to exotic locales, and scour self-help sections of bookstores, hoping to run across a volume that, once and for all, would reveal its thorny secrets.

The books I read said happiness couldn’t be found outside of me, but I was always skeptical of that advice. I longed to believe that if I got what I …