
Posts by Linzi Wilson

Linzi Wilson is the author of gratitude blog Love and Blue Sky Thinking. She loves to surf, practice yoga, cook super delicious food, go stand up paddle boarding, engage in random acts of kindness, and spend time with the people she loves.

Linzi Wilson's Website

Build Yourself an Army for Happiness

“Count your joys instead of your woes. Count your friends instead of your foes.” ~Irish Proverb

I’ve always believed that happiness is a choice. I thought that I was the only one who could truly make me happy.

That was before my life disintegrated before my very own eyes.

My husband and I built a business together. For four years we poured blood, sweat, and tears into it. We lived and breathed it. Before we knew it, and a lot sooner than you would probably imagine, it had consumed us.

I felt like it had eaten me alive. I …