
Posts by Nicole Howard

Nicole Howard is a mindfulness and meditation teacher with a belief that everybody should have access to simple and practical tools to manage their health and mental wellbeing. Nicole shares insights into integrating mindfulness, wellbeing techniques, and approaching key areas of life mindfully on her website, theawarenessadvantage.co.uk. Follow her on Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook.

Nicole Howard's Website

5 Pillars of Mindful Awareness That Transformed My Life

“When things change inside of you, things change around you.” ~Unknown

When I was twenty-three, I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. It was not until two years later, when I stopped taking medication, that I discovered I had a mental health disorder linked to my menstrual cycles.

Meditating daily has been foundational for my well-being. It helps me manage the physical expressions of anxiety and bad moods. It allows me to be more accepting of myself and grateful for the many positives in my life.

But it is the awareness journey that mindfulness has paved over these last …