
Posts by Omar Elbaga

Best selling author Omar Elbaga helps those seeking their life purpose to find and earn a living with their greatest passion. Picking up where his Amazon best-seller "Lessons Dad Never Taught You" left off, Omar's new course will guide you step-by-step to discover your true life purpose. Go after what really matters. Click here to learn how.

Why You Aren’t Living Your Dreams and What to Do About It

“Your belief determines your action and your action determines your results, but first you have to believe.” ~Mark Victor Hansen


The car engine’s loud revving got quiet. The tires came to a screeching halt.

This towering, slender, intimidating man, with a beard like the skin of a shaved porcupine, shut the driver side door behind him and approached me with thunder.

“Is this what you’re doing?!” he demanded. “On the corner—with a girl?”

It wasn’t her fault, but his expression almost made me turn around and look at her with utter disgust.

Instead, I was too busy quieting the …

Feng Shui Basics: How Your Space Can Affect Your Mood

“The light is what guides you home, the warmth is what keeps you there.”  ~Ellie Rodriguez

One day I came home and just sat in my driveway for a while, wondering why I wasn’t happy about going inside my house. I wasn’t depressed, and I had a loving relationship with my family.

Even though I was married to the love of my life and just had a beautiful baby boy who I couldn’t wait to see every day after a long day of work, something about coming home was simply unpleasant, and it irked me that I wasn’t able …