
Posts by Simone de Vlaming

Simone is a beauty lover and personal growth enthusiast from the Netherlands. When she’s not working on her personal growth site, We Mind Growth, she’s spending time with her beloved Shih-Tzu, Bailey, or enjoying a cozy night in with a good book. Follow her journey on Instagram @wemindgrowth.

Simone de Vlaming's Website

How I Turned My Pain and Anxiety into Personal Growth

“The only way out is through.” ~Robert Frost

When I reflect on the past fifteen years of my life, I sometimes joke about my struggles to lighten the weight of what I’ve endured. “What struggle don’t I have?” I’d say, laughing, but beneath that humor is a real story of pain, burnout, and learning to rebuild myself, piece by piece.

I faced chronic pain, anxiety, emotional abuse, two burnouts, long COVID, and emotional eating—all before I hit my thirties. It’s been a long journey, and while I still have days where I’m not as happy as I want to …