
Posts by Stephanie Hicks

Stephanie Hicks is a mental health advocate working in suicide prevention. She is passionate about self-care, because she has seen the difference it makes in life when people prioritize loving themselves. She believes that self-care is a part of caring for our communities, for others, and for the world.

The Difference Between Easy and Hard Self-Care and Why Both Matter

“Sometimes you’ve got to look straight into the tired eyes of the woman staring back at you in the mirror and tell her that she deserves the best kind of love, the best kind of life, and devote yourself to giving it to her all over again.” ~S.C. Lourie

Self-care. An important concept that has become a buzzword. What does it mean? The answer… that depends on you. Google and you will find lists, articles, and suggestions for self-care tasks. These can be helpful as inspiration, but self-care is something that’s unique to you.

I work in suicide prevention and …