
Posts by Tai Le

Tai Le is a writer and the founder of the Power Punch Project, a newsletter curating unconventional ways to boost productivity. "A Tropical Oasis Nestled in Your Inbox." You can sign up for the free newsletter here: powerpunchproject.com.

Tai Le's Website

Rethinking Productivity: Less Hustle, More Harmony, More Energy


“The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long.” ~Lao Tzu

I can hear the voices now:

“You should be disappointed in yourself” (for not taking the SATs in seventh grade).

“Don’t be lazy like [fill in a not-so-studious sibling/cousin]!”

“You need to work harder or else you’ll fall behind.”

“Always be analyzing, analyzing, analyzing!”

“We need to improve our operational efficiency or ELSE.” Or else what?

My mind became a boiling stew of negative self-talk, heavy thoughts, and beliefs that didn’t serve me. Throughout my entire life, from an immigrant Asian family to corporate leaders fixated on