
Posts by Victoria Finkle

Victoria Finkle is a business and policy writer based in D.C. You can find more of her work at victoriafinkle.com or sign up for her monthly newsletter, INDEED, which features bite-sized Q&As with experts in psychology, history, economics and more.

Victoria Finkle's Website

How to Let Go of the Stuff That Keeps You Emotionally Stuck

“The totality of my possessions reflects the totality of my being. I am what I have … What is mine is myself.” ~Jean Paul Sartre

What kind of relationship do you have with your stuff?

Embracing who we are naturally requires a letting go of who we aren’t, but perhaps want to be. That ties directly to our physical belongings, which can renew and inspire us in the direction we’re headed—or hold us back.

Over the years, I’ve found that the objects with the most powerful grip on us are not necessarily those we use frequently and with ease, but …