“Shallow men believe in luck or in circumstance. Strong men believe in cause and effect.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Understanding the workings of cause and effect allows one to make sense of life. If you understand and believe all your actions have consequences, then the common sense thing to do is to pay attention to those actions.
This vibrant piece is my interpretation of how the invisible threads of cause and effect reverberate through the ether.
A practicing Buddhist of twenty-five years, I adhere to the law of cause and effect or karma. I live my life grounded in awareness, clarity and presence because of this law. As practitioners of Buddhism we understand that our words, thoughts and actions will always have consequences. This perspective allows us to accept and to take responsibility for our lives and environment.

About Claire Jones
Claire Jones is the creator of ClarityIsJustSoHip! Her Instagram page spreads love and light daily through unique IPhone photo-paintings and writings about finding clarity and beauty in the midst of crisis and chaos. The pieces represent her rebirth and journey back to whole health. She hopes her designs will add a bit more clarity, joy, love, light, beauty and color to your lives.